VIJAYKUMAR TARWALA Single Sourcing STC India - Learning Session at Hyderabad 30 January 2016
The journey so far Legacy content: Types of outputs we have been producing Tools that we have been using The challenges that we have been overcoming The constant challenge of fighting against time Have we really been efficient? One-to-One mapping for authoring tools and outputs
Do we have a solution?
Understanding ‘single-sourcing’
Supported outputs DITA DocBook DotNet Help Eclipse Content Eclipse Help EPub Framemaker HTML HTML 5 HTML Help (chm) Java Help ODT PDF TocJS Troff WebHelp WebHelp Air WebHelp Mobile WebHelp Plus Word Word RTF XHTML Help XPS and many more …
A few industry tools ActiveHelp Web AuthorIT ClickHelp ComponentOne doc-o-matic Doc-To-Help for Word Doc-To-Help Enterprise Doc-O-Matic Dr. Explain EasyHelp/Web FAR HTML Flare FrameMaker GenHelp Hypertext Studio Mif2Go OfficeHelp Oxygen ReWorX RoboHelp Office Sevensteps WebWorks ePub Pro WinCHM XDK HDK Help & Manual Help Console Help Cruiser HelpBreeze Helpinator HelpScribble HelpSmith Help Development Studio Help Magician Help Publisher HelpNDoc HelpStudio