1. What do seismologists use to determine when an earthquake started? A seismogram 2. How is the intensity of an earthquake determined? By the amount of damage it causes 3. What is another word for an earthquake’s strength? Magnitude 4. What determines the strength of an earthquake? The amount of ground motion
5. What are earthquake waves that travel through Earth called? Seismic waves 6. What do seismologists use to measure earthquake strength? Richter magnitude scale 7. Which seismic waves do the greatest damage? Surface waves 8. What is the science in which earthquakes are studied called? Seismology
9. What type of motion creates strike-slip faults? Transform motion 10. What scale is used to measure the strength of an earthquake? Richter magnitude 11. Where do most earthquakes happen? At the edges of tectonic plates 12. How much more ground motion does an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0 have than one with a magnitude of 4.0? 100 times as much
13. What is NOT a fault that leads to an earthquake? An abnormal fault 14. What is the measurement of the strength of an earthquake called? Magnitude 15. What is the degree to which people feel an earthquake and how much damage it causes called? Intensity 16. Describe primary seismic waves. They can travel through solids, liquids, and gases
17. What is the point on Earth’s surface directly above an earthquakes starting point? The epicenter 18. What is the name of an instrument that records vibrations in the ground and determines the location and strength of an earthquake? A seismograph 19. What is the focus? The point along a fault where the first motion of an earthquake occurs
20. What is the Modified Mercalli Scale? A scale used to measure earthquake damage 21. What is a seismogram? The tracing of earthquake motion that is created by a seismograph 22. What is deformation? The change in the shape of rock in response to stress 23. What are S waves? Waves that are known as secondary or shear waves
24. What is seismology? The branch of science that studies earthquakes 25. What is the names of the first seismic waves to arrive in an earthquake? P waves 26. What is elastic rebound? The snapping back of deformed rock to its previous shape 27. What is the focus of an earthquake? The beginning point of an earthquake