Making Sense of Change Transcending Narrow Thinking to Holistic Solutions
Changing Course -The Big Picture Return of the Indigenous Wisdom Emergence of Intentional Spiritual Practices – Access to higher levels of human potential. Subliminal triggers for fear.
The Promise 5 Ways to Separate Fear from Intuition Avoid temptations to do what have always done; Understand cosmic context for accelerating consciousness-aligned way of working.
Personal Growth - Expansion
Convergence of Indicators
Business Indicators
Societal Trends
The difference between what we are capable of doing and are doing will solve most of the world’s problems. - Ghandi
Environmental Indicators
The Mayan Calendar All indigenous calendars end in Mayan calendar the most famous. Simple question: Why? What does that tell us? Speculation: Disaster or ??? Carl Calleman –
Mapping the Evolution of Consciousness
Who Are We? Passive observers? Powerful creators?
Expanding Consciousness through the Heart Intuition operates using the subconscious – a much faster processor; 50 to 50 million bits of information; Intuition comprised of three strengths: intrinsic knowledge, non-local, energetic sensitivity. What message are you sending to the field?
Source of Intuitive Data Intrinsic Knowledge Non-local Intuition Energetic Sensitivity
Sophisticated Skills Developing Awareness - Language Paying attention – How the thoughts are framed; Expanding body awareness: kinesthetic, visual Commitment to doing work that matters to you; fuel for the heart and soul. Health benefits; planet benefits, you benefit.
Heart Brain – Gut Instinct Heart: creates the strongest electro- magnetic field and is the one the links us to our power; Heart sends more info to the brain than brain does to the heart. Heart has a memory. Access to sub-conscious. Gut Brain: Solar plexus. The non-conscious mind tries to identify the best course of action and then tries to get our attention through gut. (Wilson, Timothy D. Strangers to Ourselves. England: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2002, pp 31-36) Interacts with the heart.
Separating Fear from Intuition 1.Fear: tons of mind chatter that runs along the lines of the sky is falling! Emotionally charged 2.Repeats old psychological wounds – patterns 3.No gut feeling. 4.Makes you feel crappy – lose perspective. 5.Delusional content. -Judith Orloff 1. 1.Intuition: Information is neutral and not emotionally charged Compassionately delivered Seen first, then felt Detached…like watching a movie Feels right. Gut sense.
Avoiding Temptations Flashes of Insight: Pay attention. Gut feeling: Avoid over riding with logic. So who do you trust? Notice context, courage. Silence the chatter. Breathe through the heart or breathe into the plexus – center to regain perspective.
Daily Practice to Balance Your Energy Meditate: is about creating the quiet space and place where you can hear yourself. Physical exercise: functionally creating balance. Yoga – conscious breathing; balancing exercises – core work. Colour energy Music:
Tool: Guided Visualization Clearing out Past Blocks by Doing a Replay – Change Ending Reprogramming emotional memory/imprint. Questions?