Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 1 Presentation on Cybernews Environmental Data Centres at Eurostat European Commission – Eurostat – Directorate ‘E’ Unit E3 – Environment Statistics
Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 2 Water (Water Resources and Use, Wastewater) Waste (Waste Statistics Regulation, Data Centre) Hazardous Substances: Chemicals, Pesticides Environmental Accounts (incl. Expenditure, Taxes, Environment Industry, Production Consumption Patterns, IPP) Greenhouse Gases (NAMEA-Air, QA/QC) Natural Resources (Material Flow Accounting, Data Centre) Statistical domains:
Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 3 1 Head of Unit Strategic planning and management of human and financial resources Rainer Muthmann Secretary: Manon Elsen (on parental leave) (replaced by Michèle Banz) Contracts, grant agreements / documentation Nicole Damiani Sylwia Durys-Jaworska E-3 ENVIRONMENT STATISTICS (04/05/2006) CO-ORDINATION, COLLABORATION, IMPLEMENTATION DEVELOPMENT AREA Team “Basic Environment Statistics; Data Publication and Dissemination” Team “Waste and Hazardous Substances” Team “Environmental accounts” Implementation; Methodological Support Syntheses; Methodological Support and international cooperation Contributions to strategic planning and management Collaboration with DG ENV, other DGs and with EEA, OECD and UN (IWG.ENV) Environment Statistics basic data collection and data banks Joint questionnaires Publication and dissemination Water Framework Directive Regional Environment Statistics and MEDSTAT Jürgen Förster Christopher Garland Luca Locatelli Jean Klein David Heal Nicole Buysse Implementation of the Waste Statistics Regulation Data Centre “Waste” Hazardous substances, Pesticides SI-indicators, pressure indicators Environmental accounts Data Centres „Natural Resources“ and „Integrated Product Policy“ Air emissions, air quality, climate change, related SI/SDI-indicators Environmental expenditure UNCEEA, ‘London Group’ Christian Heidorn Karin Jordan Wim Kloek Pierre Nadin Christian Ravets Julio Cabeca Jörg A. Hanauer Ute Luksch Nancy Steinbach Project Managers Secretaries: Dorothea Wagner (part time) (Priorities: Team Waste and Hazardous Substances) and Claudine Delaval (Priorities:Team Environmental Accounts) Environment related Structural- and Sustainable Development Indicators, Biodiversity + Env. Pressure Indicators
Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 4 Annual “Director’s Meeting” to bring the two networks together: EIONET (Environment Ministries and Agencies) ESS – European Statistical System (Environmental Statisticians) Planning and Co-ordination of the Annual Work Programmes Co-ordination of Environment Statistics
Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 5 “Group of Four” discussion on thematic division of responsibilities: Eurostat = Data Centre for … Waste Natural Resources Integrated Product Policy (IPP) Streamlining of environmental indicators Application of Eurostat “Quality Profile” Data Centres to be managed by Eurostat:
Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 6 Waste, current situation: … many data holders, information is scattered over: DG Environment: Waste Unit: Data on packaging waste, ELVs, WEEE, waste shipment, hazardous waste, … EEA: Topic Centre ‘Resources and Waste Management’: Data in ReportNet, Impact- and policy assessments, … JRC: Soil and Waste Unit, Research, Technical assessment reports, … Eurostat: Data in NewCronos, Joint Questionnaire, Waste Statistics Regulation, Structural Indicator, …
Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 7 Data Centre “Waste” Implementation of the Waste Statistics Regulation is key priority, including the abolishment of overlapping reporting Integrate quantitative reporting under Community law on waste (Start with Packaging Waste, ELVs and WEEE) Quality assurance and control Improve access to data ( ‘fit for purpose’, ‘knowledge base’) Indicator Development: To monitor the Thematic Strategy with appropriate indicators (e.g. recycling rates, waste per NACE sector, per value added, household waste, waste treatment indicators) Good communication with the other actors essential
Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 8 Natural Resources, current situation: Eurostat is a key actor in MFA methodology development (UN-London Group, OECD), however: Basic resource data is only based on estimations made at EU 15 level Data is dispersed over a variety of institutions/bodies, therefore difficult to access Lack of commitment: e.g. MFA data is collected on voluntary basis, resulting in limited comparability, completeness, timeliness Decoupling indicators are proposed, but basic data still missing at EU 25 level
Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 9 Data Centre “Natural Resources” Improve data availability, comparability and completeness of Material Flow Accounts with a set of harmonised standard tables, improve access, ‘fit for purpose’ Identification and maintenance of main existing information sources (“information hub”) Maintain network of expertise, assure good communication on methodology and data with all actors Quality assurance and control Indicator Development: To monitor the Thematic Strategy with appropriate (decoupling-) indicators
Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 10 Integrated Product Policy, current situation IPP has the aim to reduce the environmental impact of products and is therefore closely related to the work on Natural Resources and Waste Knowledge on environmental impacts of products is scattered and neither collected nor made available systematically Eurostat hosts data on production and trade of products Indicators to monitor the effectiveness of IPP are not available and basic data still missing, studies on the development of indicators are ongoing (commissioned by DG Environment)
Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 11 Data Centre “Integrated Product Policy” Detailed objectives of the IPP Data Centre will be defined after results of ongoing studies are available (2006) Data Centre will be established within the Natural Resources Team (2007) Eurostat will closely cooperate with the JRC The Production Statistics and Trade databases will be explored for the potential of identification of changes caused by IPP (PRODCOM and COMEXT)
Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 12 Streamlining of Environmental Indicators Various sets of environmental indicators exist, some have the same name but show different things, others have different names but show the same. The data centres shall coordinate the indicator work (between EEA Core Set, Structural Indicators, Sustainable Development Indicators, …) Eurostat will take the lead on the streamlining exercise: Start November 2005 Identification of potential by Mid 2006 Integrated list of indicators by November 2006
Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 13 Quality assurance / Quality Control Data centres have essential role in providing final quality assurance on the data to be used for policy making However, data providers have primary responsibility to ensure quality of their data Eurostat will assure close collaboration among the data centres on data quality and will assist the other data centres in the application of the Quality Profile
Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 14 Eurostat has confirmed the “Technical Arrangement” on the division of roles by the Directors General of the four institutions (December 2005) Eurostat: Waste, Natural Resources and Integrated Product Policy (IPP) JRC: Soil and Forestry EEA: Air, Climate Change, Water, Biodiversity and Land Use Environmental Data Centres
Directorate E: Agriculture and environment statistics; Statistical cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics 15 Eurostat will in 2006 prepare a Communication to the European Parliament and to the Council on a Strategy for Environment Statistics “The Strategy will present a prioritised and staged programme of action for environmental statistics and accounts, to allow the necessary prioritisation in mid to long term in an area with a very rapid increase in the demand for data and indicators” Communication on Environment Statistics