©2010; David Douglas Bell, All Rights Reserved Page 1 Bible Codes Intermediate Series Presents: "Icelandic Volcano" ©2010 David Douglas Bell, all rights reserved (With special thanks to the Holy-Spirit; without whom I would have little to say.) Please Visit for more informationhttp://
©2010; David Douglas Bell, All Rights Reserved Page 2 "Iceland...the_volcano " Code By: Rabbi Glazersons "Iceland" The closest meeting in the Torah: Europe - ashes The closest parallel meeting in the Torah: Iceland "the_volcano" "in_2010" "Obama"
©2010; David Douglas Bell, All Rights Reserved Page 3 Photos
©2010; David Douglas Bell, All Rights Reserved Page 4 Mathematical Equations, etc. R text = log (1/ E text ) [where E text is the expected occurrences in the text] R matrix -value = log (1/ E matrix ) [where E matrix is the expected occurrences in the matrix] E overall = 1 / antilog ( R overall ) P matrix = (P from sum of positive matrix R-values) x ( P overall calculated for all clusters after calculating the probability for each cluster) R-value = log (1/E) [where E is the expected occurrences] E = 1 / antilog (R-value) Yellow border indicates that there is at least one timing statement within this slide. Red border indicates that the prophetic events on this slide have been fulfilled.
©2010; David Douglas Bell, All Rights Reserved Page 5 Sources / References Code research done by: David Bell (USA)Rabbi Glazersons For additional information see: (This is my personal website. Discover that Ellen G. White describes and prophesizes about the special end-times information hidden within the Bible codes.) Other sources: (Great Bible code research site) (Bible code research site maintained by experts in the field) (Search ALL Ellen G. White books & periodicals) (Huge Bible code matrix library)