Classroom Rules 1. Listen to the teacher 2. Raise hand and wait to be called on 3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself 4. Do not leave the room without permission 5. No yelling, swearing, or teasing 6. Follow the school rules
By following the above rules, the students will be periodically rewarded in a positive manner with good citizenship awards, treasure box, popcorn parties, etc.
Consequences Unacceptable behavior will be accounted for in the following way: 1 st Offense – teacher will give verbal warning 2 nd Offense - child’s card will be moved to Yellow Warning chart 3 rd Offense - child’s card will be moved to Red Time Out chart and will miss 1 recess 4 th Offense – child’s card will be moved to Red Time Out chart, will miss 1 recess, and notify parents 5 th Offense - child’s card will be moved to Red Time Out chart, will miss 1 recess, will notify parents, and send to the principal’s office
Acceptable Behavior Every day is a new day. Each child’s card will start on the Green Happy Face chart. At the end of the day, we will review each child’s behavior in class. Your child will get 1 point if he/she is on the: Yellow Warning chart, Green Happy Face chart (good day), or Purple Super Star chart (excellent behavior). If your child is on the Red Time Out chart, he/she may receive the consequences listed above.