Mrs. Diener Third Grade Room 24
About Ms. Diener I have two children, Chris and Bella
Our mini vacation…..
What to expect…
FOCUS Reading Comprehension and Writing in Language Arts Multiplication, Division, word problems and Geometry in Math Science and Social Studies The use of technology throughout the day
THE BIG FOUR Multiplication facts MEMORIZED by the end of the year Reading fluency= 120 words per minute Writing five paragraphs at the end of the year Higher level thinking skills in all areas especially reading comprehension Common Core Standards
Students like the fun stuff!
School Rules THREE MAJOR SCHOOL RULES: Safety Responsibility Courtesy
Mrs. Diener’s class rules 1. Follow directions quickly 2. Raise your hand for permission to speak 3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat 4. Make SMART choices 5. KEEP YOU DEAR TEACHER HAPPY!
Consequences dun dun duuun We use the clip system Warning Loss of recess Phone call home
Classroom management Clip system Class dojo Parent invite
Fun Stuff Weekly drawings for treasure in Mrs. Diener’s Treasure Box Prizes or privileges
What does our schedule look like?
Daily Schedule 8:35-9:55 Math 9:55-10:05 Recess 10:05-11:40 ELA The Fantastic Four Reading and reading comprehension Writing 11:40-12:20 Lunch 12:20-1:20 RI (reading) 1:20-1:35 Recess 1:35-2:05 Science 2:05-3:15 UA small groups Music (Tuesday), Library (Thursday), P.E. (Friday)
RI Response to Instruction Students will be placed in different reading groups based upon their reading level. Students will either stay in my class for their reading instruction, or they will be placed in another class for an hour
Steps towards Project Based Learning
Doing different things Reading more non-fiction texts (Science and Social Studies) We will be reading about animals, the solar system, and Native Americans Projects throughout the year Online assessments Use of technology within the classroom Edmodo, Lexia, EducationCity, presentation apps
Weekly homework Math Math problems that review what was taught in class English/Language Arts (Monday-Thursday) Reading log Reading Comprehension Vocabulary
Parent Volunteers!!! Parents I would like to invite two parents to help our class in the PTG, as well as the Fall and Food Festivals If you would like to help put together materials on Mondays (or any day), you can also volunteer in my class!
Class donations If you would like to donate these items, it would be greatly appreciated! Tissues, whiteboard markers, lined notebook paper, glue sticks or glue, spiral notebooks, Clorox wipes Your donation is greatly appreciated!
My contact information Here at school: (760) My class website: At home: Through text: (760)
TWO BUNCH PALMS WEBSITE There are many resources to help students continue their learning at home
Your contact information is greatly appreciated!