KeyShure ® Organic Trace Minerals
Creech et al, Fecal Zn concentration during the nursery and fecal Cu concentrations during the growing and gilt finish phase were lower (P<0.05) in pigs fed the reduced chelated compared with the reduced inorganic treatment. Zn and Cu can be reduced significantly without adverse affect on animal performance Conclusions
Copper Excretion Journal of Animal Science 2004ABC, different letters indicate significant difference p<0.05 Mg/kg fecal DM A A A Normal Reduced Inorganic Reduced Organic (50% Keyshure) A B B C B C
Zinc Excretion ABC, means with different letters are different p<0.05 Journal of Animal Science 2004 Mg/kg fecal DM A A A Normal Reduced Inorganic Reduced Organic (50% Keyshure) CB BA BA