Policies, Institutions, and Markets Why they matter in Africa now, & what researchers can do to help Karen Brooks Director, CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets
Value of Agricultural Exports and Imports, SSA, Worldbank and FAOSTAT South Africa excluded
Losch, Fréguin-Gresh and White, 2012 Yearly Cohorts Entering Rural and Urban Labor Markets and Rural Population Share in SSA,
Region Estimated number of variety releases, Share area to modern varieties, 1998 Total genetic improvement contribution to yield growth, (%/year) Share area to modern varieties, 2010 LAC Asia MENA SS Africa All Development of Improved Varieties Lags in Africa, but Adoption Lags Even More Renkow and Byerlee, 2010; Tom Walker, Communication from author
Policies, Institutions, and Markets That Matter PIM with African Partners Foresight to inform the African Science Agenda Incentive regimes friendly to production and trade Identifying priorities for public spending Facilitating wider adoption of better technologies Social protection for building & protecting assets of the poor Tools for good management of common property Improving governance of rural services Freeing up the productive potential of women Creating attractive opportunities for young people Value chains accessible to smallholders Working with partners and building capacity