English I Honors February 22, 2016 Bell Work: Get a textbook from the bookshelf Agenda: The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Continue/finish reading Act II; Scenes 1-6 p Continue/finish reading Act II; Scenes 1-6 p Complete Act Two Reading Guides: Romeo’s Busy Day and After Reading Questions (including Writing Prompt) Complete Act Two Reading Guides: Romeo’s Busy Day and After Reading Questions (including Writing Prompt) Research Paper rough draft due date is extended to Friday, Feb. 26 th
English I Honors February 23, 2016 Bell Work: Report to Computer Lab. in room 145. Gather all research paper materials Agenda: Literary Analysis (Research Paper): The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Literary Analysis (Research Paper): The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Write introductory paragraph (underlined thesis statement as last sentence of the intro.) Write introductory paragraph (underlined thesis statement as last sentence of the intro.) Plan/organize specific details for the R. P. body paragraphs Plan/organize specific details for the R. P. body paragraphs Discuss, review, and go over parenthetical citations Discuss, review, and go over parenthetical citations Homework: Have the intro. and at least the first 2 body paragraphs done by next class Homework: Have the intro. and at least the first 2 body paragraphs done by next class
English I Honors February 24, 2016 Bell Work: Report to Computer Lab. in room 145. Gather all research paper materials Agenda: Literary Analysis (Research Paper): The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Literary Analysis (Research Paper): The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Write introductory paragraph (underlined thesis statement as last sentence of the intro.) Write introductory paragraph (underlined thesis statement as last sentence of the intro.) Plan/organize specific details for the R. P. body paragraphs Plan/organize specific details for the R. P. body paragraphs Discuss, review, and go over parenthetical citations Discuss, review, and go over parenthetical citations Homework: Have the intro. and at least the first 2 body paragraphs done by next class Homework: Have the intro. and at least the first 2 body paragraphs done by next class
English I Honors February 25, 2016 Bell Work: Report to Computer Lab. in room 215 (Hall 1). Gather all research paper materials Agenda: Literary Analysis (Research Paper): The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Literary Analysis (Research Paper): The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet You should have the intro. and at least the first 2 body paragraphs now You should have the intro. and at least the first 2 body paragraphs now Add 2 or more body paragraphs that support your thesis statement Add 2 or more body paragraphs that support your thesis statement Draft your conclusion Draft your conclusion Verify all parenthetical citations Verify all parenthetical citations Check conventions Check conventions Reminder: Rough Draft is due by 11:59 tonight to turnitin.com Reminder: Rough Draft is due by 11:59 tonight to turnitin.com Reminder: FSA Writing Assessment next week on Wed., March 2 nd. See posted test room list on Grades Bulletin Board. Reminder: FSA Writing Assessment next week on Wed., March 2 nd. See posted test room list on Grades Bulletin Board. Progress Reports TOMORROW!
English I Honors February 26, 2016 Bell Work: Report to Computer Lab. in room 215 (Hall 1). Gather all research paper materials Agenda: The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Finish reading Act II, Scenes 1-6 p of the play (if needed) Finish reading Act II, Scenes 1-6 p of the play (if needed) Complete Act II Reading Guides: Romeo’s Busy Day and After Reading Questions (including Writing Prompt) Complete Act II Reading Guides: Romeo’s Busy Day and After Reading Questions (including Writing Prompt) Watch Act II of the play (DVD) Watch Act II of the play (DVD) Act II Quiz on Thursday, March 3 rd Act II Quiz on Thursday, March 3 rd Reminder: Rough Draft is due on Tuesday, March 1 st (end of period) Reminder: Rough Draft is due on Tuesday, March 1 st (end of period) Reminder: FSA Writing Assessment next week on Wed., March 2 nd. See posted test room list on Grades Bulletin Board. Reminder: FSA Writing Assessment next week on Wed., March 2 nd. See posted test room list on Grades Bulletin Board. Progress Reports TODAY! Network down – lesson plans for below are for Periods 1B, 2B, 3B, and 4B ONLY