Focus on the benefits Keep everyone informed and involved Get energy efficient around the office
Improved business provide job security Creation of new jobs Makes it possible for businesses to be open 24 x7 Cost effectiveness
control excess usage ie over usage use of energy efficient luminaires.
Always have spare hardware around Pay for all software to get support and stay on the safe side of the law All hardware and software should be secured and available as and when needed Use of ICTs help improve the quality of education
IT service reliability, integrity and protection— how do we remove barriers, extend controls and leverage processes to improve IT responsiveness and reduce costs and risks Make sure all of your PCs use antivirus software and if you're using Windows, add antispyware protection scan regularly for threats Start doing regular off-site backups now Disable file/print sharing on everything other than your file server
Average Energy Proportion of Total Annual CO2 Emissions Common Equipment 60 Watts (Router + Server + Switch) 46% Desktop Equipment 52 Watts (2x Thin Clients + monitors) 41% Printing Equipment 16 Watts (1x printer) 13%
Replacing large electric heating appliances such as ovens and dryers with equivalent gas appliances. Controlling deferrable loads to periods of least cost. Reducing lighting in ‘over-lit’ areas. Automating lighting, air handling and other services to turn-off at pre-defined periods. Night-time ventilation of buildings to utilise cooler temperatures to cool buildings. Centralise or de-centralise air conditioning and/or hot water services to minimise overall heat gain or loss.
Purchasing of energy via renewable energy sources minimises your global impact and provides a strong environmentally friendly message to customers and staff. Increase Awareness Encourage Recycling Identify Opportunities Collect data within the organisation and analyse consumption with the need to reduce the power bill