Sharing insights on VTE prophylaxis a bidirectional collaborative NameInstitution
Overview - HIMSS VTE project Synthesize, evaluate, and recommend general approaches of applying Clinical Decision Support to prevent Venous Thromboembolism
Overview – Collaboration process WHO? Six care delivery systems representing adult and pediatrics population WHO? Six care delivery systems representing adult and pediatrics population Advocate Advocate CHOP CHOP HealthEast HealthEast MH MH Orlando Orlando THR THR
Overview – Collaboration process Support and Governance structure of the collaborative Support and Governance structure of the collaborative HOW? HOW? Weekly webconference Weekly webconference WiKi model WiKi model Sponsored by HIMSS Sponsored by HIMSS
Common Themes Implementation Implementation Barriers and solutions Barriers and solutions Models Models
CDS Implementation tools Donabian framework Donabian framework Workflow detail matrix Workflow detail matrix Swimlane workflow diagrams Swimlane workflow diagrams
Useful References Pages from txSafePracticesDraftReport_Final_ anticoag and VTE.pdf Pages from txSafePracticesDraftReport_Final_ anticoag and VTE.pdf Pages from txSafePracticesDraftReport_Final_ anticoag and VTE.pdf Pages from txSafePracticesDraftReport_Final_ anticoag and VTE.pdf DRAFT NQF Safety Practices - #29 Anticoagulant DRAFT NQF Safety Practices - #29 Anticoagulant DRAFT NQF Safety Practices - #29 Anticoagulant DRAFT NQF Safety Practices - #29 Anticoagulant /abstract /abstract /abstract /abstract Dept of Health: VTE Risk Assessment Tool Dept of Health: VTE Risk Assessment ToolVTE Risk Assessment ToolVTE Risk Assessment Tool