MOVING FORWARD REACHING NEW HEIGHTS! Pine View Middle Ms. Bellas’s 6th h grade class Open House September 09, 2014
IMPORTANT TIMES School begins at 8:41 a.m. School ends at 3:41 p.m. 6 th grade lunch & recess – 11:30-12:10 p.m. Visit my teacher webpage to view our class schedule
GRADING SCALE A B C D F Test papers go home on Wednesdays
STUDENT PROGRESS CENTER (JPAMS) Grading Attendance Discipline
CLASS EXPECTATIONS 1.Use appropriate noise levels - don’t talk when your teacher is talking and work in groups quietly 2.Pay attention and follow directions 3.Be prepared - Turn in all assignments neatly & on time 4.Always be your best and do your best 5.Be kind to others and treat everyone with equal respect at all times. (Golden Rule)
CONSEQUENCES 1.Warning for 1 st offense 2.Recess detention or think sheet for minor infractions such as not completing homework, disturbing class, etc. 3.After school detentions will be assigned for disrespect to teachers, cheating, constant disturbances in class, etc. 4.All major infractions such as using profanity, stealing from teachers, fighting, etc. will be handled through administration & can include in/out school suspension, & expulsion.
REWARDS Classroom compliments – earn parties School wide reward – PAW BUCKS Students earn job positions such as personal assistant, bathroom monitor, folder checker, etc through good behavior. Students earn Bellas Bucks weekly that they can spend on Friday
PARENT EXPECTATIONS Check your child’s folder daily for school correspondence Return signed grade reports the next day on Thursday Return signed behavior reports on Monday Monitor your child’s progress by checking grades and making sure homework is being done Help your child stay organized – every piece of paper your child is giving has a specific place
MATH RESOURCES You can find sample problems in the student workbooks. Your child’s Math Learning Log contains important notes on the different tools that are used in Math along with sample problems. Objectives and sample tools can be found on the Math Resource Sheet for our first unit - “Ratios and Unit Rates”
TEACHER CONTACT INFO Ms. Bellas - ph: Teacher website: School Website:
QUESTIONS Thank you for coming! Do you have any questions?