for Health & Physical Education Follow us on Livestream on Periscope: SHAPE America SPEAK Out!
School Health and Physical Education Academic achievement Attention and concentration Lifetime healthy habits Reduces discipline referrals Reduces high-risk behaviors
Student Value Physical Education 80 % Important to their overall school experience. 33 % Very important 47 % Somewhat important 15 % Not too important 6%6% Not at all important 21 % Affords opportunities to lead 17 % Helps me do better in school 45 % Relieves stress 49 % Reinforces importance to future health 24 % Improves focus 28 % Increases confidence 36 % Promotes working well with others 36 % Makes me feel good Physical Education Class
50 Million Strong by 2029 SHAPE America’s commitment to empowering all children to lead healthy and active lives through effective health and physical education programs
National Leadership Tools and Resources Legislative Action Center ESSA E-Guide Health and Physical Literacy Shape of the Nation ™ Report ™
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