The longest river is the Blue Nile. In Ethiopia there are some really big moutains. Did you know there are two Rivers named after colures The Blue River and The White River. Ethiopia has lots of moutains and volcana. Some moutains have snow on them.
Most of Ethiopia has a warm climate. The coutries rainy seson is June to September. Ethiopia also has some years when no rain falls. The Danakil Desert is one of the most lovely deserts that never gets rain.
They have flat top trees They grow beautiful flowers and plants. They grow plants with African fruits on.
Most people in Ethiopia grow their own food. Lots of crops fail to grow. Only some of the family get to eat.
Elephants are the largest animas in the world. Zebras are very popular animals in Ethiopia.
many houses have electricity and running water There are more schools and better heath care. Most people who live in cities don’t own cars