My Favorite Things Shafawn Edison
My Favorite Food is Chicken I like grilled chicken the best Chicken is good for you KFC has the best chicken
My Favorite Flavor is Chocolate I like chocolate. Chocolate covered strawberries rock! I like chocolate EVEYTHING!
My Flavor Holiday is Halloween oI love to dress up. oTrick or Treating is fun. oYou get lots of candy.
My Favorite Movie Is College Road Trip I love this movie because it is funny. It has Raven in it. Raven is my favorite role model. Go Raven, you rock!
MY Favorite TV STAR is Jaleel White Jaleel White is my Favorite tv star. He is funny. I Love him. He Rocks!
MY Favorite Website is Build a Bear Build a Bear is fun It's great to play games I can look for clothes It's awesome just to have fun. Cool!
The End Shafawn Edison