AU Parking
No-cost Commuter Parking Zones CDV Village CDV Village Demolition of housing units Demolition of housing units Parking remains Parking remains Intramural Fields Intramural Fields JCS Museum JCS Museum
new Parking Deck 735 Parking Spaces 735 Parking Spaces 550 replacement spaces 550 replacement spaces 185 additional space 185 additional space Open: July 24 Open: July 24 Summer: A and B zone Permits Summer: A and B zone Permits Fall: D zone Permits only Fall: D zone Permits only Haley A & B Lots Haley A & B Lots will close for Student Center construction will close for Student Center construction Client area of A Lot to remain open Client area of A Lot to remain open
Parking Deck: D Zone Permits Number of Permits = number of Spaces Number of Permits = number of Spaces Safety / efficiency – no space hunting Safety / efficiency – no space hunting D Permits authorized to park in C zones D Permits authorized to park in C zones D Permits not authorized to park in A & B zones D Permits not authorized to park in A & B zones loading / unloading – Loading Zone Permits loading / unloading – Loading Zone Permits anticipate under subscription anticipate under subscription First request for Permits – all authorized First request for Permits – all authorized if undersubscribed, available to GTAs if undersubscribed, available to GTAs
Auburn University Statistics Total spaces – 10,610 Total spaces – 10,610 Total vacant spaces – 2,288 Total vacant spaces – 2,288 Cost - surface parking space - $2,500 Cost - surface parking space - $2,500 Cost – garage parking space - $12,500 Cost – garage parking space - $12,500
Comprehensive Parking Study Open Forum Meetings Open Forum Meetings early Fall Semester early Fall Semester Data Data Space to Permit ratios Space to Permit ratios Occupancy / Vacancy assessment Occupancy / Vacancy assessment Traffic / loading-unloading / congestion Traffic / loading-unloading / congestion A, B, C, R zones v. geographic zones A, B, C, R zones v. geographic zones SREB Parking Fee Comparison SREB Parking Fee Comparison Residential Parking Strategy Residential Parking Strategy
Permits to Space Ratio Zone Spaces Spaces Permits Permits Ratio Ratio A 1,446 1,446 3,150 3, B 1,740 1,740 1,880 1, A + B 3,186 3,186 5,030 5, C 5,226 5,226 13,049 13,0492.5
A 86 E 47 H 60 B 39 G 76 M 386 I 508 J 107 L 45 N 218 F 49 D 208 C 116 K 343 Spaces Available at Peak (empty) By Zone Total: 2,288 Spaces Available at Peak (empty) By Zone Total: 2,288
E 89% H 93% B 95% G 65% M 67% I 77% J 89% L 88% A 75% D 85% N 60% C 83% F 79% K 27% % Occupancy by Zone Overall Occupancy = 79% % Occupancy by Zone Overall Occupancy = 79%
SREB Comparison - Faculty