DEMOGRAPHICS REPORT School Year Presented January 15, 2009
Highlighted Demographics District Teacher Experience English Language Learner Population Free & Reduced Meals Population Student Ethnicity Data Special Education Student Population NOTE: Numbers for this report were pulled from our student information system in December of 2008
Classroom Teacher Experience DISTRICT-WIDE Experience includes credited years at hire plus completed years in our district
Classroom Teacher Experience Chart DISTRICT-WIDE 160 Total Classroom Teachers
Classroom Teacher Experience BY BUILDING School Name Total # of Teachers 0-10 Years11-20 Years21-35 Years High School 5533%38%29% Middle School 4033%38%30% Barrie Elementary 1443%29% Luther Elementary 1765%24%12% Purdy Elementary 2050%40%10% Rockwell Elementary 1450%29%21%
District-wide ELL / Free & Reduced Population # of ELL Students at Levels1-5% of Total District Enrollment 1666% # of Students Receiving Free or Reduced Meals % of Total District Enrollment 76927% English Language Learner Population Free or Reduced Meals Population
English Language Learners Students Levels 1-5 School Name# of Students % of Total Enrollment Fort Atkinson High School 222% Fort Atkinson Middle School 325% Barrie Elementary 73% Luther Elementary 5721% Purdy Elementary 4111% Rockwell Elementary 73% District Total 1666%
Free/Reduced Meals Population School Name# of Students % of Enrollment Fort Atkinson High School % Fort Atkinson Middle School % Barrie Elementary 8432 % Luther Elementary % Purdy Elementary % Rockwell Elementary 8131 % District Total %
Ethnicity Demographics District-wide
Asian/ Pacific Islander African American Hispanic Native American White Total Student Population # of Students % of Enrollment 0.9%1.4%8.4%0.6%88.7%100%
Ethnicity Demographics % of Enrollment School Name Asian/ Pacific Islander African American Hispanic Native American White FAHS 1% 5%1%92% FAMS 1% 8%1%89% Barrie ---1%3%---96% Luther ---3%25%---72% Purdy 1%2%13%1%82% Rockwell 2% 5%---92% 4K 1%---6%---93%
Special Education 14% of total population is identified as Special Education Breakdown of Special Education Population
Special Education *Other includes autistic, hearing impaired, health impaired, orthopedic impaired, significant development delay and vision impaired. School Cognitive Disability Emotional / Behavioral Disability Learning Disability Speech & Language Other* FAHS 2%3%5%1%2% FAMS ---3%7%1%3% Barrie ---3%5%8%3% Luther ---1%2%5%1% Purdy ---1%2%13%5% Rockwell 3%---2%4%5% 4K %--- District Totals 1%2%4% 3%
Special Education “Other” Category Autistic Hearing Impaired Low Incidence Disability Orthopedic Impaired Significant Development Delay Vision Impaired Students in District
Conclusions We have a nice balance of new and experienced teachers in our district. Our ELL and Free & Reduced Meal populations continue to grow. Our student population continues to become more ethnically diverse. Our identified Special Education population has been stable and remains slightly above state average.