OVERVIEW Purpose And General Policies Voluntary Separations Involuntary Separations Service Characterizations
PURPOSE/GENERAL POLICY “The Air Force must maintain a vigorous fighting force with high standards of conduct” --AFPD “The Air Force must maintain a vigorous fighting force with high standards of conduct” --AFPD “Separating members failing to meet standards…promotes Air Force readiness and strengthens military service” -- AFI “Separating members failing to meet standards…promotes Air Force readiness and strengthens military service” -- AFI
VOLUNTARY SEPARATIONS Reasons COG Dependency/hardship In lieu of court-martial
General Considerations General Considerations Reasons Reasons Involuntary COG Defective Enlistments Entry Level Conduct Substance Abuse Treatment Failure Unsatisfactory Performance Misconduct Fitness Failure Procedures Procedures CC Action When Initiating Involuntary Discharge INVOLUNTARY SEPARATIONS
Reasons Reasons Fraudulent or Erroneous Enlistment Civil Court conviction Drug Abuse PT Failures MANDATORY SEPARATIONS
Board entitled if: Board entitled if: NCO 6 or more years TAFMS to include Inactive service UOTHC Characterization ADMINISTRATIVE DISCHARGE BOARDS
CHARACTERIZATIONS Honorable Honorable General General UOTHC UOTHC
Entry Level Entry Level Release From Custody Release From Custody Dropped From Rolls Dropped From Rolls NON-CHARACTERIZATION
SUMMARY Purpose/General Policies Purpose/General Policies Voluntary Separations Voluntary Separations Involuntary Separations Involuntary Separations Service Characterizations Service Characterizations