Risk Management Sources of Risk: Natural – Can’t be avoided How can weather impact a sporting/entertainment event? Human – Dishonesty, theft, and incompetence How can incompetence affect safety? Economic – The Business Cycle How does the economy impact attendance?
Risk Management You need to be aware of and develop plans for: Gain or Loss risk – Can go either direction Examples in sport? Controllable risk – Prevented or Reduced Examples in sport? Insurable risk – Can be Purchased Examples in sport?
Risk Management Risk Avoidance What can be avoided through planning, attention to details, and adherence to legal safety standards Liable – Legally responsible for damages and possibly medical costs and other losses Risk Transfer What can be transferred to another company or the consumer Insurance or Statements (Signs or Ticket Backs) Risk Retention Unavoidable
Risk Management Risk Assessment Identify Potential Hazards Determine who might be Affected by the Hazards Evaluate the Options for Managing the Risk Implement the Best Options Review the Assessment to Determine if Improvements are Needed
Ethics Ethics System for deciding between right and wrong in a reasoned and impartial manner Code of Ethics Ethical Behavioral Guidelines that govern day to day activities or a profession or organization
Ethics Code of Ethics – 4 Steps 1.Brainstorm Ethical Dilemmas - Problems the company might face due to the type of business 2.Discuss Potential Solutions -Suggestions on how to handle situations…Understand different cultures and values 3.Write Set of General Guidelines - Range of Acceptable ways to deal with situations 4.Improve Your Code
Ethics Long Term Vs Short Term Acting unethically may create short term profits but long term problems Integrity and Reputation will keep customers coming back