Home State BoardState Board | Department | Teachers | Parents | Students | Community | DataDepartmentTeachersParentsStudentsCommunityData West Virginia Department of Education 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, WV (Staff Phone and by Name) (School Directory)Staff Phone and by NameSchool Directory WVDEWVDE | School Counseling HomeSchool Counseling Home Welcome to the LINKS Program Web site Click below to enter. Topics: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ For suggestions, questions, problems contact the webmaster Please read our disclaimerswebmasterdisclaimers Introduction and Overview to LINKS
LINKS is a Comprehensive student-centered advising program for students in grades 9-12 Organized structure for: – Consistent delivery of academic, career, and personal/social content standards – Connecting students with a caring adult – Increased collaboration between stakeholders
LINKS Lesson Plan
Why do we need LINKS? 6,500 WV students drop out of high school each year 10,000 WV teens are not enrolled in school and not working 7,000 school-aged youths are adjudicated annually
Why do we need LINKS? More than half of WV students qualify for free and reduced price meals Over a quarter of WV children live in poverty Poverty levels are directly aligned with low achievement and low test scores 15% of WV children live in a family where the head of household is a drop-out
School-wide student advisement = RESULTS Improved school attendance Better classroom behavior More students have goals More students graduate More likely to make AYP
The Brutal FACTS… Out of every 100 WV 9 th Graders 73 will graduate HS 39 will enter college 13 will drop out..freshman year ONLY 16 will graduate in SIX years.
The LINKS Program can help schools meet AYP requirements by improving: Academic achievement Standardized test scores On-time transitions from grade to grade School attendance Graduation rates
The LINKS Program can help support a positive culture for learning by: Improving the teacher- student relationship Improving classroom behavior Informing and preparing all school staff to better assist students Creating a community of learners
The LINKS Program promotes student success in school and life by: Relationship with a caring adult Career goal Connection with post secondary options
Additional benefits to students: Better prepared for the global workforce and post-secondary education Acquisition of school and workplace success skills Build dreams and hopes for the future
National Trends… Then and Now U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ALL students must hear the right messages! WorkforceMid 20th Century21st Century Professional20% Skilled15%65% Unskilled65%15%
2007 Pawley’s Group Report Commissioned by 2006 WV Senate Recommendation 7: Recommendation 7: Develop a new model for career counseling, student support and academic advising. –recommended that West Virginia develop a systematic way to help students with career exploration.
Student/Advisor Relationships If students know there is an adult at school who truly cares about them as individuals, they will accept being prodded further Our most vulnerable students are those in greatest need of this meaningful connection
Student/Advisor Relationships
Staff Training Power Points are located under the Resource Section
LINKS is now available To all West Virginia High Schools