Bagaimana terbentuknya strain pada ayam ras??
Taxonomy of Aves The ancestor of domesticated chicken
Chicken (Gallus domesticus) There are four common species: 1.Gallus gallus (east India, sumatra) 2.Gallus lafayeteii (Srilangka) 3.Gallus sonneratii (south India) 4.Gallus varius (indonesian islands) 1234
Classification of chicken Breeds 1.American Class: Eg. New Hampshire, white Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, Wyandote II. 2.Mediterranean Class:They are light bodied and well developed for high egg production. Eg. Leghorn, Minorca, Ancona 3.English Class: They are mostly utility breeds noted for their excellent flushing properties. Eg. Australorp, Cornish, Sussex, Orphington 4.Asiatic Class: They are large bodied with heavy bones feathered shanks and poor layers. 5.Indian breeds: Eg. Aseel (Fighting purpose), Chitlagong, Kadacknath (Resh is black in colour) Bursa
Parent stock of Isa Brown Warna jantan???
Clutch adalah: the number of eggs produced or incubated at one time Broiler: Layer: Pullet: ISTILAH - ISTILAH