Brazilian National Regulations: based on OIML International Recommendations. Apply to: Liquid and gas fuel dispensers Nonautomatic weighing instruments Evidential breath analyzers Clinical thermometers Sphygmomanometers Electricity, gas and water meters
Instruments for measuring vehicle exhaust emissions Measuring systems for other liquids than water Equipment for the measurement of the speed of vehicles Cronotachographs for motor vehicles Taximeters Standard weights Quantity of product in prepackages
Legal metrological control is exerted through: Legal control of measuring instruments. Metrological supervision. Metrological expertise.
Brazil: 26 states, 1 Federal District Population (2007 estimate): 190 million Area: 8,500,000 sq. km Prepackages examined in 2006: 1.3 million Verification of instruments in 2006: 10.3 million Type-approval certificates granted: 1,278
Mercosul (Southern Common Market) Its purpose is to promote free trade and the fluid movement of goods, people and currency. Members: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay Populations: Argentina 40 million, Uruguay 3 million, Paraguay 6,5 million Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru have currently associate member status
Mercosul unified metrological regulations Clinical liquid-in-glass thermometers Taximeters General criteria for legal metrology Length material measures Mercosul Certificate System for type-approval of measuring instruments In progress: Liquid fuel dispensers Nonautomatic weighing instruments Load cells
Accredited laboratories Inmetro is an accreditation body, member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Laboratories accredited by Inmetro: Calibration laboratories : 342 Testing laboratories : 244
SIM Inter-American Metrology System SIM is comprised of metrology organizations from 34 countries in the Americas.
Associate members PTB (Germany) NCSL International KEBS (Kenya Bureau of Standards)