CH4.1 CSE244 Midterm Subjects Aggelos Kiayias Computer Science & Engineering Department The University of Connecticut 371 Fairfield Road, Box U-155 Storrs,


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Presentation transcript:

CH4.1 CSE244 Midterm Subjects Aggelos Kiayias Computer Science & Engineering Department The University of Connecticut 371 Fairfield Road, Box U-155 Storrs, CT

CH4.2 CSE244 subjects #1  Compilers - Architecture.  Overview of the design of a compiler - phases etc. What is the role of each phase.  Constructing Lexical Analyzers.  Relation to DFAs. Transition Diagrams.  Tracing DFAs.  Regular Expression => NFA => DFA => and minimization.  How to trace a lexical analyzer. Given a set of regular expressions construct a lexical analyzer.  Context Free Grammars.  Derivations  Parse-trees.  Ambiguity

CH4.3 CSE244 subjects #2  Top down approach.  general strategy.  recursive descent.  from grammar productions to a set of procedures.  grammar problems in the top down approach  grammar manipulations: removing ambiguity, removing left-recursion, left-factoring.  table driven parsing -- LL(1) grammars.  First  Follow  Table construction  Panic mode recovery [the “red/blue” error handling panic strategy] and reporting.

CH4.4 CSE244 subjects #3  The bottom up approach for building parsers.  Rightmost derivations and handles.  Viable prefixes.  Principles of Shift / Reduce parsing.  Tracing a shift/reduce parser.  LR(0) items.  The Closure operation of a set of items  The Goto operation on a set of items and a symbol.  Not included for the midterm  operator grammars and parsing.  The SLR parsing table construction.