Skilling The Unskilled Earn & learn model – Education, Experience & Earning simultaneously. Employability through skill development support. Critical skills and delivery design. Earn & Learn is supported by Earn & give approach. 2
Comparison of productivity 3 Vehicles produced per person employed.
Skill Requirement Function:Mfg / Operations Level:Operator / Workman Skills Required: - Should have basic literacy, analytical ability and ability to understand and follow shop floor instructions relevant to product manufactured. - Ability to operate and maintain both general and special machines. - Ability to carry out basic trouble shooting of machines in case of breakdown - Ability to perform operations requiring multiple skills - Ability to minimize wastage of raw materials, maximize production and understand the impact on cost, quality and time - Ability to highlight aberrations in daily production processes. Contd…. 4
Adherence to required quality levels of production. Ability to understand and follow instruction from supervisors, shop - heads etc. Ability to understand and conform to basic shop floor safety practices such as wearing gloves etc. Knowledge of production line, quality fabrication, welding, cutting, machining etc., Understanding of drawings, knowledge of usage instruments, measurement and maintaining tolerances. Knowledge of principles of mfg such as lean, safety at work, Kaizen, etc. Ability to conform to work schedules and complete the assigned work on time. 5 Skill Requirement
Inadequate trade knowledge and poor application – this can be attributed to the fact institutions such as ITI’s do not teach skills specific to Industry. Inadequate desire for learning new skills / weak understanding and lack of comfort with latest machines. Insufficient ability to communicate problems faced – this in turn affects quality and can lead to time and cost overruns. Contd…. Skill Gap 6
Tendency to form unions and disrupt regular working – this is especially true for the permanent (on-rolls) unionized employees. Insufficient understanding of discipline, industrial rules, work related procedures. Absenteeism is a concern in this cadre. Lack of skill standardization across educational institutes, leading to lack of standardization in the people available in this cadre is a concern. Skill Gap 7
Program design: Competency Competency is the ability to perform a job flawlessly. Level based approach LevelDescriptionCompetency at this level involves Application of this competency 1Trained Beginner The application of knowledge & skills to a limited range of task & roles Under direct guidance with regular checking 2PractitionerThe application of knowledge with depth in some areas and a broad range of skills With only general guidance on progress & outcomes sought 3Knowledgeable Practitioner The self-directed development of knowledge with substantial depth across a number of areas Under limited guidance inline with a broad plan. Responsibility & accountability for the management of output of work 4Expert or Master Craftsman Self directed development and mastery of a range of knowledge Full responsibility and accountability for all aspects of work and functions like planning. Has ability to train others. 8
Program design: Timeline 9
Competency Trained Beginner Has basic education and knowledge. Can carryout operation as told. Continuous instructions required. Practitioner Carryout regular operations meeting the required spec. Periodical follow up required. Knowledgeable practitioner Able to improve quality of output using knowledge. Occasional follow up required Expert Self starter, good in trouble shooting. Can serve as a trainer. No follow up required. Certifying Criteria 10
ASHIRVAD YOJANA AT UTTARAKHAND No employer-employee relationship. Treated as student of NTTF A customized curriculum which integrates class room learning with shopfloor practices The objective is to transform a workman potential to an executive potential Skill the Unskilled to a Managerial Level of performance Earn and Learn model Integrated work force: - Common work culture - Common development opportunities - Opportunities to obtain qualification. Diploma in Manufacturing Technology - Enhance individual professional competencies Contd… 11
12 ASHIRVAD YOJANA AT UTTARAKHAND 4 Year modular program - Diploma after 4 years - 5 days “On the Job” & 1 day class room based training. - Engineering and Management inputs. - Evaluation based on productivity, quality norms and academics - Scholarship, transport, canteen, welfare facilities. - Medical and accident insurance.
Training Content To be developed in association with Saint Gobain with focus towards Glass Manufacturing. 13 Training Methodology Similar to Ashirvad Yojana.
1. Ashok Leyland 2. Dabur 3. Saint Gobain 4. Brakes India 14 Dual System of training across India at