Digging deeper Looking twice Crossing out mistakes Talking/listening to a cat. Getting in deep water. Getting out from behind locked doors. Plugging in the sun. Wanting to know. Having a ball Building sand castles Singing in your own way. Shaking hands with the future. (Torrance 1992)
Imagination with no boundaries
Preparation Incubation Illumination Verification
Gathering information Reviewing data or materials Identifying the problem Locating resources
Letting things develop without consciously working on them. Free association
Moment of enlightenment The AHA!! Eureka
Test the concept Analyze the solution Judge critically
Fluency -free flow of thoughts and ideas Flexibility - looking from many different perspectives Originality - Novel idea /produce something unique Elaboration - adding details and finishing touches
Have great deal of energy, but also are quiet and at rest. Tend to be smart and naïve at the same time. Combination of playfulness and discipline. Alternate between fantasy and reality. Harbor tendencies from being extroverted and introverted. Humble and proud at the same time. Not easily stereotyped. Are thought to be rebellious and independent. Passionate about their work, but extremely objective as well. Exposed to a great deal of suffering, and great deal of enjoyment.
Discuss with a partner the qualities you have and identify areas that you wish to strengthen or develop in yourself.
Watch video clip. Why should children’s art work be displayed around the school? Why do lessons using drawing and painting through the senses in their hands help young children process and understand more of what they are learning? How did the teacher set the mood? What does the narrator mean when he quotes Picasso – “It took me 4 years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.”
Listen to the story Take a Walk About outside Complete the activity