TeachMeet June 2015 Mike Baker AHT. I’m Still Stuck This can be used at the end of a topic or series of lessons as a gap analysis plenary Give students.


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Presentation transcript:

TeachMeet June 2015 Mike Baker AHT

I’m Still Stuck This can be used at the end of a topic or series of lessons as a gap analysis plenary Give students 2-3 post-it notes each. Provide a sheet with a list of objectives from the topic (differentiate into Developing/Secure/Extending etc). Students pick something they are stuck with and write it + their name on a post it. Students stick these on the board under the headings. Then peers come and take post-its and go and find someone to help or unblock.

Progress & understanding checklist P1.4 Developing DSecure CExtending B+ I can label parts of a power station I can how electricity is generated in a power station I can argue why we should use alternative fuels I can give examples of different energy sources I can explain how we use nuclear fuels in a power station I can compare the difference between a panel of solar cells and a solar heating panel I can define ‘fossil fuel’ I can explain how we use waves to generate electricity I can explain why people are concerned about nuclear power I can name some fuels used to generate electricity I can explain how we can use the tides to generate electricity I can explain how renewable energy resources affect our environment I can state what a solar cell is I can explain how we can use geothermal energy I can explain why we use high voltages in the National Grid

Body Shapes Plenary Great at the end of the lesson to check understanding. Very popular as a leg-stretcher with those kinesthetic learners! Make up some quiz questions with options A B C D to cover the content of the lesson. Give each option a body shape e.g. if you think the answer is A stand on one leg, B make ‘glasses’, C hand on hip in a ‘teapot’ shape, D make a ‘church’ shape. Then ask the questions and use the visual feedback to see who knows what and to drop on individuals to say why they have chosen that answer option.

Quiz What do you most enjoy about Teachmeet so far? A. meeting new people & networking B. presenting C. interesting new ideas to use D. the food

Quiz What will you take back with you to your home school? A. everything it was all great B. I met some great contacts C. I found a nice new mug/pen D. a few interesting ideas I liked the sound of E. food poisoning