RMIT Learning Repository
RMIT Learning Repository aims- 1.To contribute to the University’s elearning priorities through the storage of, and provision of access to digital learning objects for use and reuse by the RMIT community. 2.To adhere to good practice principles in the curation of digital content through the management, description, discovery, access and reuse of digital objects. 3.Ensure data standards facilitate discoverability through enriched, relevant, quality metadata that supports the discovery, access and reuse of digital learning objects.
DigitalNZ, Make it Digital Guides. Make it Digital Guides are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licencehttp:// RMIT University LibraryLearning and Teaching Academic Development Units Academic & teaching staff
Metadata contribution Collection/Object Collection/ objects store Access, use and reuse Collection review, evaluation/appraisal Data harvest [PRIMO & OER] Object Curation Lifecycle
Learning and Teaching Key decisions: 1.) RMIT objects are reusable or not for the University & the World [OER]? 2.) Who decides what is open content? Central media content? School based collections? 3.) Collections / objects quality review cycle..." questions of quality, appropriate and timely usage, multiple points of view, and packaging of a wide range of resources within the framework of course-specific learning objectives and assessment practices." A New Pedagogy is Emerging...And Online Learning is a Key Contributing Factor. Contact North
Creator(s) Josie Ryan (Illustrator) Copyright Copyright © RMIT University. Conditions of use This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives Licence 3.0 Australia nd/3.0/au/ nd/3.0/au/ 9a04-41a4-82e2-56ff1e3e0579/1/