1 SCM and quality: Better service for citizens Preliminary concept for an adaptation of the SCM for citizens in Austria Oslo, May 15th 2009 Gerald Reindl, Federal Ministry of Finance, Austria
2 Austrian project take-off Concept developed by Federal Chancellery/Ministry of Finance April 2009: Cabinet decision – Kick off Two elements: -Measuring most burdensome IOs using SCM methodology -Identifying and implementing “fast track actions” Objectives: -Measuring the time and out-of-pocket costs spent per IO -Taking into account irritation factors and service quality -Creating a list of measures, which can be felt by citizens
3 Austrian project May 2009 May- June 09 Sep-Nov 09 Dec 09 – Feb 10 March 10 Pilot project Start Legal analyses SCM- measurement: interviews Adoption of measures Finding measures: workshops/ focus groups Implementation April 2010 onwards Fast Track Actions: Birth, Marriage, Death
4 SCM for Citizens T x Q = Time per affected citizens C x Q = Costs per affected citizens Information obligation Administrative activities Time (T) Affected citizens x Frequency = (Q) Direct costs (C) Affected citizens (segmentation) No full baseline measurement, but prioritized measurement
5 Adaptations Life situations: Each IO is related to one life situation; 12 life situations identified, e.g.: -education - family -health - marriage -identity - work etc. Role models: Elderly people, people with special needs Qualitative elements: Measured minutes will be converted into “quality minutes”; overall amount remains the same Information obligation (IO): Same definition as in the SCM for businesses, BUT IOs to third parties are not included
6 Measurement approach In each phase, qualitative aspects are integrated in the questionnaire, e.g.: waiting time on the phone when asking for information Quality minutes allow the identification of potential improvements Orientation phase asking for information Orientation phase asking for forms Preparatory phase obtaining missing documents Completion phase Filling in a form Contact phase Submitting the form incl. documents
7 Quality minutes explained At the end of the questionnaire interviewees are asked whether they have experienced differences in burdensomeness respectively irritation when comparing the phases The interviewee is asked to allocate 10 points - “the more points, the more burdensome”
8 Quality minutes explained measuredweighted
9 Pilot study Information Obligation „Income tax declaration for employees only“ Sample: 49 Interviews Enquiry period: February 2009 Place: Tax office in Vienna
10 Total quality minutes: 143 min per citizen Total costs: € 3,94 per citizen Orientation phase asking for information Orientation phase asking for forms Preparatory phase obtaining missing documents Completion phase Filling in a form Contact phase Submitting the form incl. documents Pilot study SCM Parameter
11 Pilot study potential for improvement multiple answers possible; n=58
12 Lessons learned Concept of quality minutes worked well with interviewees Adaptation of interview-questions: e.g. Would you use an e-government solution, if not, why not? Setting a default value for traveling time Difficulties to reach citizens with special needs – close collaboration with stakeholders is key Keep in mind distribution concerning age/gender/other characteristics when conducting interviews
13 Thank you for your attention!