Stability Studies : Regulatory evaluation and most frequently observed Sultan Ghani
Incomplete stability to meet the requirements as stimulated in the regulations & guidelines Identification and testing of degradation products not performed. Stability testing protocol is inappropriate and not followed. Inappropriate selection of test parameters for stability study samples (0, 6, 12, 18,..) Sampling procedures and frequency of testing incomplete
Hold time testing at various stages of manufacturing not properly performed and validated ◦ Hold time for bulk granulation ◦ Hold time for bulk solutions Reconstitution and dilution studies are insufficient ◦ Do not cover the proposed claims. ◦ Do not include in-use studies (Parenteral, Ophthalmic, etc.)
Incomplete information on reference standards ◦ Primary reference standard (compendial) ◦ Secondary reference standard Incomplete methods of analysis and method validation ◦ House Methods (Full validation studies) ◦ Compendial methods (suitability of compendial methods, etc.) Insufficient demonstration of method equivalency ◦ Compendial vs. House methods
Analytical method transfer studies not performed ◦ Same business establishments ◦ Different business establishments ◦ API supplier vs. Dosage form manufacturer methods Variation in analytical results Lack of investigation of the Out of Specification (OOS) results.
Lack of investigation of known/unknown degradation products ◦ Toxic degradation products (Doxorubicin cardio- toxicity may be caused by its metabolite doxorubicinol) ◦ Metabolites (metabolite of imipenem, Thienamycin M1 causes cleavage of the molecule)
Incomplete results of antimicrobial testing ◦ Microbial testing as per compendial monograph Changes in analytical methods from development to commercial production ◦ Most regulatory authorities prefer complete dissolution profile rather than single time point testing of stability samples. Assay results are not reported as absolute values ◦ Should be reported as % of initial
Formulation Formulation differences ◦ Pilot vs. commercial (stability study batches) Batch numbers and the quality part of the report are not the same as the batch number in the bioequivalence report
Specifications Lack of justification of stability specifications ◦ Tests and Acceptance criteria, etc. Lack of stability the tests, acceptance criteria S tudies not conducted on comparable samples (age of the samples) to get a meaningful comparison of the degradation profiles
Container Closure System: Interaction between the material and the actual product are not properly studied No control of moisture level in the container if product is moisture sensitive Change of the container closure is not justified Information on reproducibility and accuracy of dosing device is missing Compatibility on aged samples are not performed