Metric System
Objectives: Today I will be able to: Understand the size and numerical relationship between the units in the metric system Informal assessment – monitoring student interactions as they complete the warm –up, category sort and scavenger hunt Formal assessment – analyzing student responses to the exit ticket and the price is right activity Common Core Connection Model with mathematics Look for and make use of structure
Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm-Up Explain: Metric System Notes Engage/Explore: Metric System Category Sort Explore/Elaborate: Metric System Scavenger Hunt Engage/Evaluate: Price Is Right Elaborate: Sig Fig Calculations Evaluate: Exit Ticket
Warm – Up (Day 1) Complete the “Estimation 1” column on the metric system warm up worksheet
Objectives Today I will be able to: Understand the size and numerical relationship between the units in the metric system Apply Significant figures to calculations
Homework Study for the significant figures quiz on Friday, September 5
Agenda Warm Up Metric System Notes Category Sort Activity Metric Scavenger Hunt Price is right Sig Fig Calculations Exit Ticket
Metric System aka International System of Units (SI System)
Why do we use the metric system? Easy to use mathematically More divisions – improves accuracy of measurements Used internationally – easier to communicate
There are 7 base units Length = meter (m) Mass = kilogram (kg) - Gram is commonly used (g) Time = seconds (s) Temperature = Kelvin (K) Count/Quantity = mole (mol) Electric Current = ampere (A) Luminous Intensity = candela (cd)
Prefixes Giga (G) – 10 9 Mega (M) – 10 6 Kilo (k) – 10 3 Hecto (h) – 10 2 Deka (D) Base Unit – 1 Deci (d) – Centi (c) – Milli (m) – Micro (u) – Nano (n) – Pico (p) –
Metric Mneumonic Kids Have Dropped Over Dead Converting Metrics K = Kilo H = Hecto D = Deka O = One (base unit) – 1 gram, 1 liter, 1 meter D = Deci C = Centi M = Milli
Metric Category Sort Activity
Metric Scavenger Hunt Work in a small group to find objects that fit into the categories. We will have a class discussion about the answers
Price is Right Follow Ms. Ose’s Directions for the game
Exit Ticket (1) Complete the “estimation 2” column on the metric system warm up/ exit ticket worksheet We will discuss any changes that you made to the values listed Icebreaker If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would you change? Would you rather have to carry an egg (and not let it break), or wear a motorcycle helmet, everyday for the rest of your life ?