Knowledge management Knowledge economy and Intellectual capital.


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Knowledge economy and Intellectual capital
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Presentation transcript:

Knowledge management Knowledge economy and Intellectual capital

Knowledge economy Post-industrial era, information age, knowledge economy Shifts in major sources of wealth creation in society – General motors, health insurance, spending on steel

Industrial sectors in Taiwan

Experience economy

Economics 2.0 in practice The software layer is a major factor in the economic well-being All of the intangible factors that make the food court possible.. (Kling and Schulz, 2009) – Protocols and receipts Practices (i.e. ways of doing things) Norms; mental models; shared assumption, cultural values; script (restaurant, order, recycle) – Infrastructure Physical, legal,...

Capital Factors of production Any form of wealth employed or capable of being employed in the production of more wealth.

Intellectual capital Human capital – Individual capabilities Social capital – Capacity to collaborate Structural capital – Organization’s processes, systems, and procedures

Human capital The knowledge, skills, and experiences and experiences possessed by individual employees – Explicit conceptual knowledge – Tacit knowledge

Structural capital “everything that remains in a firm after it’s employees go home” – Includes the explicit, rule-based knowledge embedded in the organization’s work processes and systems, or encoded in written policies, training documentation, or shared databases of “best practices.” – Also include intellectual property, recognized by patents and copyrights.

Social capital “features of social organization, such as networks, norms, and trust that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit (Putnam, 1993).”

Social capital and KM Reduce transaction costs Produces higher quality of knowledge A source of inimitable competitive advantage

Social capital Social capital and knowledge sharing The ability of groups to collaborate and work together – Cognitive – Structural – Relational

KM from the in intangible assets perspective “The deliberate design of processes, tools, structures, etc. with the intent to increase, renew, share or improve the use of knowledge represented in any of the three elements of intellectual capital.”

Intellectual capital 本質智力流程關係 範圍內藏於員工儲存於組織內 員工間的協調 合作 儲存於組織外部 顧客、夥伴、供 應商的協調合作 衡量方式知識的質與量流程的效率關係的長久 外顯困難度高中最高 形成 信任 文化 支援

Knowledge Management Social capital Human capital Structural capital Knowledge Management Social capital Human capital Structural capital Today’s intellectual capital Organization al learning Future intellectual capital Fig. Intellectual capital grows with use

Intellectual capital and complexity of decision Decision requiring more integration should have social and human capital as their investment focus. Figure 4.4.