The Fruit of the Spirit MEEKNESS Galatians 5:22
A Little Quiz (The BibleWay Online) 1. Do you holler at family or colleagues? 2. When falsely accused, do you defend yourself with excessive vehemence? 3. Do you insist in having the last word in a discussion? 4. Would your associates be astonished if you became enraged at someone?
A Little Quiz (The BibleWay Online) 5. Do you have the reputation as a person who remains calm in the middle of a tempest? 6. Do you try to get even with the person who hurts you? 7. When you rebuke someone, does it make you feel good to see them embarrassed or angry?
Meekness - definitions Mildness of disposition Gentleness of spirit Restrained patience Controlled strength The ability to bear reproaches/slights without bitterness Being gentle in dealing with/correcting others To patiently endure offenses
The Example of Moses (Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.) - Numbers 12:3 1) Aaron and Miriam jealous of Moses (Numbers 12)……didn’t try to defend himself 2) Korah’s rebellion (Numbers 16) …… interceded for the people 3) Complaining (Ex. 14) …… turned people to the Lord
The Example of Brother Yun “In the Chinese church I have seen many of God’s servants come with great power and authority, but with Brother Yun I saw a servant of Jesus who always came in humility and meekness, reflecting the heart of the Son of Man, who did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life.” - Zhang Rongliang (page 11, “The Heavenly Man”, Preface)
1 Peter 2: ) “called:” to suffer patiently when mistreated ……. Unnatural …… demonstrates God’s grace in our lives (undeserving) 2) Why? ….. Christ suffered for us …. our example …… no sin, no deceit, didn’t retaliate, didn’t threaten 3) Strategy: left it in God’s hands ….. For the greater purpose
The Example of Jesus “For I am meek and lowly in heart…” - Matthew 11:29 1) Coming to Earth as a man (humbleness) 2) Respectful to imperfect parents 3) Relating with “sinners” 4) Woman caught in adultery 5) Servant attitude illustration (washing feet)
The Example of Jesus (cont.) 6) Forgiving sins of woman washing His feet 7) Throwing out moneychangers (still in control …… without sin …… could have been worse) 8) In Garden …. Heals ear (could have called 12 legions of angels) 9) On Cross (“Father forgive them ….”) 10) Treatment of Thomas and Peter
Practical Application 1) Remember who we are …… “servants” of Jesus 2) Remember where we were ….. Serving sin, self, and Satan…..bound for hell 3) “And the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose him…..” (II Timothy 2:24-25)