based loosely on the model of Messy Church Super Sundae Nights
Why this approach? Two stories… my experience leading Beavers- understanding why we gather is key TGIF (the children’s ministry in my last charge) ultimately failed without parents. Yet there is a point.
Filling a perceived and spoken need. At the core of our mandate, we are called to share the story. Young families, though well intentioned, have not made Sunday morning a priority. Sunday morning worship doesn’t fit so well into their routines, and may not be the best use of a morning with family.
Make it matter We are a people of faith, who want to share the stories of faith in a modern context.
Is there something more? What could we offer that is currently a void in other intergenerational activities?
Can we get this some place else? Team sports offer community. Schools teach us to care for the earth. Families invite moral accountability and love for our neighbour.
“following the way” Churches have the opportunity to live out the story of Jesus; to remind folks that following “the way” includes: Radical hospitality, Passionate worship, Intentional faith development, Risk taking Mission and service, Extravagant Generosity. (
we are not alone Our faith story tells us that we are not alone. Does any other story really do that? Mostly children get the message to count on themselves; to get ahead at all costs.
Big Questions… Who will lead? Who will come?
Shared leadership is best with the development and support of the minster. Teams to organize snack, craft, music, story, activity being shared with a team approach
When would it be? Lets try for a win/win possibility Suggesting once a month- Perhaps Sunday evening from 6:00-7:30 (including snack)
September 13 Theme: Delight in Me Scripture story Luke 8:16 (lamp under a basket) Take away message - You are uniquely perfect to be you.
October 4 Theme: Celebration of Seeds Scripture story Mark 4:26 (parable of sower)
November 8 Theme: God and Peace Scripture Story Luke 15 (the forgiving father)
December 6 Theme: Celebration Scripture Story Luke 1: 39(Mary visits Elizabeth)
What do you think? Would this work? Are you interested? Would you come? Would you invite others? Would you take a turn? Other suggestions?