Wales Julianne
Capital And Size The capital of Wales is Cardiff. The Size of Wales is sq km sq miles. The population is approximately 2.94 million. The land use there is that 81% is used for agriculture, 12% is used for woodland, and finally 8% is urbanised. The language they speak is Welsh and English. But only 20% of the population of Wales speak welsh fluently. The currency is the British pound. Sources:
Customs and Cultures The biggest tradition in Wales is the Eisteddfod. Eisteddfod is a competition where they determine the best poet and musician, if they win they will be awarded a chair at the Lords table. The biggest tradition in Wales is the Eisteddfod. Eisteddfod is a competition where they determine the best poet and musician, if they win they will be awarded a chair at the Lords table. In Wales, they go Bog Snorkeling, where In Wales, they go Bog Snorkeling, where you dive into the bog with flippers, goggles, you dive into the bog with flippers, goggles, and a snorkel and then race one another along a 120ft trench of mud. Other things they do in Wales are to hold Goose fairs, and unusual sports (e.g. Haggis Hurling, Cheese-Rolling, etc.). and a snorkel and then race one another along a 120ft trench of mud. Other things they do in Wales are to hold Goose fairs, and unusual sports (e.g. Haggis Hurling, Cheese-Rolling, etc.). %20Carmarthen,%20National%20Eisteddfod% jpg
Major Industries The major industries are: SteelElectronicsEngineeringTourismMining The major farming industries are: BeefLambMilkButterCheeseCereals Coal Milk
Exports Manufactured goods FuelsChemicalsFoodBeveragesTobacco
History The name “Wales” is from an old Saxon word meaning outsiders or foreigners. The name “Wales” is from an old Saxon word meaning outsiders or foreigners. But the word Cymru (Comree) (which is Wales but in welsh) means friends or companions. The roots of Wales is Celtic, the language of welsh is one of the six Celtic languages that are still used today. The history of Wales is normally interwoven in the history of England in more recent times.
Sports The biggest sports that people play in Wales are rugby union, football (soccer), cricket. union_pictogram.svg/300px-Rugby_union_pictogram.svg.png _Soccer-Lite.jpg
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