Image Characteristics Worksheet Answers
Location The object is the same distance to the mirror as the image is to the mirror. Attitude/ Orientation The image is upright. SizeThe image is the same size as the object. TypeThe image is virtual. 1. State the four LAST/LOST characteristics of an image in a plane mirror. Images in plane mirrors have the following characteristics:
2.What does virtual image mean? 3. Relate each letter in the diagram to one of the following optical terms A virtual image is formed when the reflected rays converge behind the mirror. Angle of Incidence ( i) Normal Angle of Reflection ( r) Incident Ray Reflected Ray b) a) c) d) e) f) g) h) c) d) e) b) f)
Angle of Incidence ( i) angle between the incident ray and the normal Angle of Reflection ( r) angle between the reflected ray and the normal Incident Rayincoming light ray Normal dashed line drawn perpendicular to the mirror at the point of reflection Reflected Raylight ray reflected from the mirror 4. Define the following optical terms.
5.State the Laws of Reflection from a plane mirror. - The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. - The incident ray, the normal, and the reflected ray all lie on the same plane. - The perpendicular distance from the object (d o ) to mirror is equal to the distance from the image to the mirror (d i )
6. Does a candle have to be in front of a mirror in order to form an image? Try It!
Does a candle have to be in front of a mirror in order to form an image? Try It! Both candles can form images. The “mirror” must be extended to find the location of the image for candle #2. It is there, but how must you look?
7. Show where the images are located.
Both candles can form an image. The mirror must be extended to find the location of image #2.
Which Eye-Brain can see the image of candle #1? C) D) & E) can see image #1. The mirror acts like a window. A straight line must exist between the eye-brain and image through the mirror.
Which Eye-Brain can see the image of candle #2? A) B) C) & D) can see image #2. The mirror acts like a window. A straight line must exist between the eye-brain and image through the mirror.
8. What determines whether an eye-brain observer can see an image or not? Mirrors act like windows. A straight line through the mirror must exist between the eye-brain and image.
9. Use the laws of reflection to show how the Eye- Brain sees the top and bottom of a candle in a periscope.
Roughly parallel rays from the top and bottom of the candle move towards the top mirror.
Angle of Incidence = Angle of Reflection ( i = r ) and the rays move towards the bottom mirror
Angle of Incidence = Angle of Reflection ( i = r ) and the rays move towards the Eye-Brain mirror. Note: This does not predict the image’s location.
The candle’s image appears erect.
10. Use the laws of reflection to show how the Eye- Brain sees the top and bottom of a candle if the top mirror is be rotated to face backwards?
Roughly parallel rays from the top and bottom of the candle move towards the top mirror.
Angle of Incidence = Angle of Reflection ( i = r ) and the rays move towards the bottom mirror.
Angle of Incidence = Angle of Reflection ( i = r ) and the rays move towards the Eye-Brain mirror. Note: This does not predict the image’s location.
The candle’s image appears inverted.
#11 If two mirrors are arranged at 90 º,......
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