The incident ray and the reflected ray behave in predictable ways, which leads to the two laws of reflection: 1.The angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. 2.The incident ray (r i ), the reflected ray (r r ), and the normal all lie in the same plane 11.6 THE LAWS OF REFLECTION Laws of Reflection Lesson Info: Laser Reflection Gizmo | ExploreLearning
Types of Reflection 1.Specular Reflection: light reflects off smooth, shiny surface like mirror if incident rays are parallel, reflected rays will be parallel 2.Diffuse Reflection: when light reflects off rough surface like chalk board if r i are parallel, the r r will NOT be parallel angle of incidence (ө i ) is still equal to the angle of reflection but normals are not parallel to each other
11.7 IMAGE CHARACTERISTICS IN PLANE MIRRORS When you look into a plane mirror, you see an image that has certain characteristics.image The characteristics can be described in terms SALT size, attitude (which way the image is oriented), location, and type (whether or not light actually arrives at the image location). The image in a plane mirror is the same size as the object, upright, behind the mirror, and virtual. Images Formed by Mirrors and their Characteristics