Staffing Second Request April 28, 2014
Strategic Goal II: Northwest ISD will recruit, develop, retain, and recognize an exceptional, highly motivated staff to optimize student engagement and learning
Second Staffing Request for NISD Based on an analysis of: Departmental Needs Instructional Programming Needs As we experience fast student growth in NISD, the need for services at central office and support to our campuses increases.
Second Staffing Request To continue to meet the service needs of the campuses, the following positions are requested: Administrative Positions (5) Central Office Support Positions (6) Maintenance Positions (4) Additional Coaching Stipend for Middle Schools (10) (Stipend to add one girls coach and one boys coach)
Second Staffing Request: Recommended Reclassifications To better reflect the duties and responsibilities of the current positions To remain competitive in compensation to area districts with similar student enrollment