Sandy Plains HIP Club Helping Improve Performance through Check In/Check Out
Goal and Objectives By the end of today’s session, you will be able to implement a check in/check out system in your building tomorrow. By the end of today’s session, you will be able to implement a check in/check out system in your building tomorrow. Data Review – red zone/yellow zone Data Review – red zone/yellow zone Support Staff roles and responsibilities Support Staff roles and responsibilities Teachers/Mentors roles and responsibilities Teachers/Mentors roles and responsibilities Forms Forms Monthly Data Meeting Monthly Data Meeting
Year One’s Data Number of Referrals
Identify Students Where do you begin??
Targeted Students ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% Source: Horner, CICO Presentation, San Jose CA, 9/9/2010
Summer 2010 Data Review Yellow Zone Yellow Zone –6 to 9 referrals during the school year Red Zone Red Zone –10 or more referrals during the 2009 – 2010 school year OR –2 or more suspensions during the 2009 – 2010 school year
MentorStudent Meet 2x’s/day Staff selected students to mentor at faculty meeting in August
Code of Conduct Our Pledge to Ourselves & to One Another As members of the Sandy Plains Community: We use kind words and actions. We take pride in our learning. We choose a positive attitude each day.
Mentors’ Responsibilities Meet with mentee every morning, Meet with mentee every morning, –give a morning pep-talk –provide student with daily chart daily chartdaily chart Meet with mentee every afternoon Meet with mentee every afternoon –discuss daily chart –complete Home Report Home ReportHome Report –return daily chart & Home Report to coordinator Optional – provide weekly incentives Optional – provide weekly incentives
MentorStudent Meet 2x’s/day Submitted daily charts & Home Reports Coordinator
Coordinators’ Responsibilities Yellow Zone Students Yellow Zone Students –Guidance Counselor –Focus Room Facilitator Red Zone Student Red Zone Student –School Social Worker –School Psychologist - Monitor Check in Check out Process - Collect Daily ChartsDaily Charts - Maintain Monthly Data (spreadsheet)(spreadsheet) - Meet with Students to review progress (at least monthly) - Attend Monthly Data Meeting
Mentor Coordinator Student Meet 2x’s/day Submitted daily charts Meet monthly to review progress
Mentor Coordinator Student Meet 2x’s/day Submit daily charts Meet monthly to review progress Parent
Additional Interventions for Continued Red Zoned Students Increased parent communication Increased parent communication Personalized Daily Charts Personalized Daily Charts Additional Coordinator Meetings Additional Coordinator Meetings Counseling with Psychologist or School Social Worker Counseling with Psychologist or School Social Worker Referral to Outside Counseling Services Referral to Outside Counseling Services Provide increased positive incentives Provide increased positive incentives Consult with additional staff members (nurse, administrator) Consult with additional staff members (nurse, administrator)
Reduced Interventions for students showing success Continuing to meet twice daily with mentor without point sheet Continuing to meet twice daily with mentor without point sheet Meeting with mentor less frequently Meeting with mentor less frequently –Once daily –Once or twice a week “Graduation” from program “Graduation” from program
Monthly Data Meetings Most important aspect of program Most important aspect of program Conducted outside of PBIS meeting Conducted outside of PBIS meeting Review HIP club students first, followed by possible new referrals Review HIP club students first, followed by possible new referrals New referrals – Focus Room data, IEP/IST team and teacher referrals
Check In/Check Out Features: Students are identified to receive behavioral support Check-in and check-out daily with a mentor at school Regular feedback and reinforcement from teachers Family component Daily performance data used to evaluate progress