Mike Cloutier WESSEX Responsible Officer
Overview What it is What it is not What it can do What it can’t do WESSEX Database System
Dashboard Simple view to show overall program health Checklist Validate that all necessary steps are complete Place to document: Training Student Volunteer Host Family Meetings Counselor Document repository District Club Student Volunteer Host Family What it is
WESSEX Database System Replacement for Belgian or Danish systems No interface for student input Designed for Districts and Clubs Doesn’t create applications Possible one-way interface in the future What it is not
WESSEX Database System notification Notify District and RI of Host Family changes Notify Counselors of overdue contact with students and host families Simplified document entry Upload and tag File upload (PDF, JPEG, TIFF) Direct scan (to PDF or JPG) What it can do
WESSEX Database System Force Counselors to document contact Ensure that documents are complete Ensure that correct documents are uploaded Ensure that events have taken place (e.g. NSOR check) What it can’t do
WESSEX Database System