Unique Identification Authority of India Aadhaar Authentication Feb’
Agenda Aadhaar Authentication DefinitionAuthentication Eco SystemAuthentication ModalitiesCompliance Parameters: BFD and Fusion Finger AuthenticationApplications using authenticationAuthentication Best PracticesAuthentication User Agencies (AUA’s)
What is Authentication? Authentication answers the question ‘Are you who you say you are?’ What you know?– user id/password, PIN, mother’s maiden name, etc. What you have? – a card, a device such as a dongle, mobile phone, etc. What you are? – a person’s biometric markers such as fingerprint, iris, voice etc. The ‘what you are’ biometric modes captured during Aadhaar enrolment are fingerprints, iris scans and face. Of the 3 modes, fingerprint biometric happens to be the most mature biometric modality. Authentication answers the question ‘Are you who you say you are?’ What you know?– user id/password, PIN, mother’s maiden name, etc. What you have? – a card, a device such as a dongle, mobile phone, etc. What you are? – a person’s biometric markers such as fingerprint, iris, voice etc. The ‘what you are’ biometric modes captured during Aadhaar enrolment are fingerprints, iris scans and face. Of the 3 modes, fingerprint biometric happens to be the most mature biometric modality.
Aadhaar Authentication Digital Platform 4
… authenticate IDs online, real-time Central UID database 1:1 check, no ID fraud Only YES/NO response, no details – no invasion of privacy Person can see self-details, no one else can Authentication - ‘Are you who you claim to be?’
Authentication Supports answering the question “is a person s/he claims to be Authentication User Agencies (AUA) Services eKYC User Agencies (KUA) Services Verifies resident information (demographics and/or biometrics) for a given Aadhaar biometrics (fingerprint, Iris) One time pin (OTP) and combinations thereof Supports multi-factor authentication using GPRS, EDGE,3G, Wi-fi, LAN, WAN, Broadband etc Personal computer, mobile, PoS terminals, etc. Works with assisted and self-service applications Works on all widely used networks, platforms and devices Authentication Services – Any time, Any where, Any network
Authentication Ecosystem (Overview) Aadhaar Holder Auth Server Leased lines ASA AUA UIDAI Data Centre Sub-AUA Authentication Devices
Aadhaar Authentication – Participants & Transaction Aadhaar Holders Residents who have obtained their Aadhaar number Authentication Devices Point of initiation of Aadhaar authentication transaction e.g., PCs, kiosks, handheld devices etc Authentication User Agency (AUA) Agency that uses Aadhaar authentication to enable its services Aadhaar Holder Authentication Devices AUA ASA UIDAI’s CIDR Authentication Request Service DeliveryNecessary Updates & Confirmation Yes / No Response Authentication Service Agency (ASA) Agency that has secured leased line connectivity with CIDR (BSNL etc.) Unique Identification Authority of India Offers online authentication Sub Auth. User Agency (Sub AUA) Agencies that access Aadhaar authentication through an existing AUA
Aadhaar Authentication Modalities 1:1 Match YES *** OR NO **OTP – One Time Pin *and/or – Single or multi-factor authentication ***Yes/No – Would enable service provider to take business decision CIDR and/or* and/or OTP OTP Request
Accurate Seeding is important for Auth. Success Quality of Biometric (both at enrolment & capture) matters; ex. 70% FP quality has definite chance of passing authentication Critical Success factors: – BEST FINGER DETECTION (BFD) – Fusion Finger – Re-attempt (needed) Approach plan for BFD camps: On average, max of 1000 benf. per village or per operating device. At the maximum, effort of 1-2 weeks for BFD saturation. Dept to complete this one-time activity before launch. Authentication Features- Key Success Factors
Best Finger Detection (BFD)
BFD- Sample output
Fusion Finger (Two-finger) Capture first best finger of the resident If No, Step2 Step 1 1 st Best Finger Single Finger Authentication using 1 st best finger YES Capture second best finger of the resident Step 2 2 st Best Finger Two Finger Authentication Using 1 st best and 2 nd best fingers YES If No, Repeat Step1
Fusion finger- Usage types Implicit way of Fusion Auth – App takes care of the feature in backend, in case of 1 st failure, if coded for Fusion; – User is asked to put his 2 nd and 3 rd Best fingers in case of failure. Explicit mode
Inter-linked Success Factors Fusion Finger Re- Attempt Best Finger usage
Why BFD, Two-finger features? Based on a study by UIDAI for accurate and easy authentication
Single Function Optimized Multi Function Capable Versatile MicroATM, PDS POS Terminals Diverse Usages Authentication Devices
Authentication devices perform the following key functions: – Collect PID from Aadhaar holders – Perform basic checks on the information collected for completeness and compliance – Prepare the authentication data packet for transmission as per Aadhaar authentication APIs – Transmit the authentication packets for authentication – Receive the authentication results along with instructions for next steps if any Authentication Devices
Authentication – Best Practices Use Wet Clothes/Sponge to Wet Fingers during Authentication, if fingers are Dry BFD and Two Finger Authentications- Improves the success rate for authentication. This needs to be planned at device UI level and proper operator training needs to be ensured. BFD is advised to be done before any authentication attempt Mechanism for Aadhaar Seeding verification - Authentication could be rejected because of Aadhaar seeding issues. It is highly recommended to have a mechanism to verify/correct Aadhaar in database when resident comes for availing service for the first time. Appropriate Error Code handling at all levels -Clear and actionable messages should be configured at client level Fraud Monitoring and Analysis - Fraud monitoring mechanism required to ensure there is no misuse of exception handling mechanisms
Poor Finger Print Quality – Use IRIS (or) OTP Connectivity – Identification of best network service provider ASA Failures – Alternate ASA (preferably) Training & Capacity gaps – Training Sessions & IEC Device Issues – Field Support by Device Vendors Authentication Issues- UIDAI Auth support (24 x 7) How to Address Issues? A few suggestions
Who is using Authentication? -Authentication User Agencies India Post F&CS Govt. of A.P SBICSCNICKVBBOI CBIICICI Indian Bank DoIT-Gof- Jarkhand Directorate, Income Tax CANARAPNB CORPORA TION IOB Allahaba d Bank OBCMEADENAVIJAYA UBI SYNDICAT E BANK DIT GofMaha rashtra GBAHDFCAxisIDBI Pallavan Grama Bank Pandhyan Grama Bank List goes on……. For Complete list, pls. visit ‘
Applications using Aadhaar Biometrics Authentication Service delivery agencies authenticate residents using one of the biometric, either iris or fingerprint at the point of delivery. Biometric authentication is used for: Providing Ration at PDSPension PaymentsMGNREGS Payments Managing AttendanceAdding New BeneficiariesFinancial Transactions
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