Business Plan Intelligent Automated Parking - An Intelligent Carpark Management Initiative
Objectives Industry Specialist Target sales of $10 million in ten years’ time and 30-40% in gross margins Local market share in first 5 years Regional and global markets beyond 5 years
The Product: The Product: Intelligent Automated Parking Sophisticated Carpark Management Systems more convenient payment mechanism novel traffic layout Advanced Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) Technology Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) System Patent proprietary expertise and model
The IAP Process Central Management Station Vehicle Exit Entrance Centralised Station Mounted Camera Optical Sensor Detector Gantry Proximity Reader Barrier Vehicle
Competitive Advantages Customized carpark management system catered to needs of specific customers Clearly defined target market Value for money proposition: - assurance of quality of IAP technology - excellence in provision of after-sales service Critical Success Factors:
Competitive Advantages Highly probable positive feedback of IAP system from motorists due to: - convenience & time-saving - widely accepted existing technology of ERP gantry system added incentive to carpark owners to implement system
Industry Analysis Commercial carparks - 150,000 lots - $150 million potential revenue View to expand into public carparks - over 600,000 lots - $400 million potential revenue Industry Participants: - Carpark operators, government bodies, engineering companies and IT solutions providers
Main Competitors Stratech Systems - SmartPark ST Electronics – Autoparc ST 8300 Sanyo Trading Company Siemens Advanced Engineering CET Technologies
Market Analysis Market Growth - Increase in car ownership - Current implementation of cashless parking Market Segmentation - size and ownership - more justified in large-scale carparks
Marketing Strategy Positioning Statement - market niche player Pricing Strategy - cost-plus pricing strategy based on: (a) variable costs of IAP equipment (b) salaries of engineers (c) subcontracting costs - gross margin of 30%
Marketing Strategy Promotion Strategy - minimal advertising expenditure - personalised selling of product Marketing Program - printing of catalogues & brochures on IAP process - internet website, yellow pages - prototype modelling for demonstrations
Financial Matters (a) Required funding - S$1 million Subscribe for 400,000 shares of $2.50 each or 40% stake Uses of funds: - Develop IAP prototype - Purchase of fixed assets - Payment of engineers’ salaries - Payment of subcontracting costs - Purchase of IAP equipment supplies for contracts
Financial Matters (b) Breakeven Analysis Expect to be in the black by end of 2nd year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Revenue352,000 1,055,000 1,427,000 1,666,000 2,150,000 Less: COGS246, , ,400 1,138,400 1,488,000 Operating expenses 229, , , , ,600 Profits/(Losses) before tax (121,000) 195, , , ,400 Profits/(Losses) after tax (121,000) 146, , , ,300 Retained profits/(Losses) b/f - (121,000) 25, , ,250 (121,000) 25, , , ,550 Less: Dividends - - (120,000) (240,000) (300,000) Retained profits/(Losses) c/f (121,000) 25, , , ,550
Financial Matters Sales & Profit Trends
Financial Matters (c) Ratio Analysis Operating ratios Average collection period (days) Net sales to total assets ratio Net sales to working capital ratio Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 Liquidity ratios Current ratio N/A Quick ratio N/A Profitability ratios Net profit margin(0.34) Return on equity(0.14) Return on total assets (0.14)
Financial Matters (d) Financial Returns Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Founders Share of dividends - 72, , ,000 Less: Cashout option - - (75,000) (100,000) Contribution to investors - (54,000) (42,000) (60,000) Investors Share of dividends - 48,000 86,400 84, ,000 42,000 60,000 Add: Contribution from founders - 54,000 42,000 60,000 Dividends from investment - 102, , ,000 Investment base 1,000, , ,000 Return (%) Cashout option: Founders’ share of dividends , ,000 Cash 100, , , , , , , ,000
Financial Matters (d) Financial Returns Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Share buyback (no. of shares)40,000 80, , ,000 Share capital composition: Founders 640, , , ,000 Investors 360, , ,000 50,000 By end of year 6, founders would have returned 87.5% (or $875,000) of investors’ monies equivalent to 350,000 shares.
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