WHY DID HE GO FROM ZERO TO HERO? The effects of the Great Depression. The fear of communism and disorder. The weakness of the Weimar Constitution. The willingness of Weimar politicians to cooperate with Hitler. Quarrelling and disunity between the other parties. Nazi policies were genuinely popular with many people. Propaganda and skill in public speaking. The Nazi use of violence. Hitler was a clever ruthless man. Luck.
THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC President elected every seven years. Chancellor appointed by the President as the person best able to do the job Reichstag elected by proportional representation. Lots of little parties The President could rule by decree in an emergency To change the constitution you needed a 2/3 majority in votes and at least 2/3 needed to be there.
Step election Socialists largest party – the Nazis second Bruning resigns – replaced by Von Papen – friend of Hindenburg but no power
Step Presidential elections Hindenburg wins Hitler does well - Hitler over Germany
Step 3 Fighting in Prussia between Nazis and socialists Hindenburg gives Von Papen special powers to clamp down on the socialists.
Step 4 July 1932 elections Nazis are the largest party Hitler offered vice chancellor under Von Papen He refuses
Step 5 November 1932 elections Nazi vote down slightly but otherwise much the same Hindenburg appoints Kurt Von Schleicher as chancellor. He can’t cope. Von Papen says he can control Hitler So Hitler gets the job
Step 6 Feb 1933 the Reichstag Fire Communists blamed Reichstag Fire Decree – Communist party is banned
Step 7 March 1933 elections Nazis get 45%. Still need 2/3 to pass an Enabling Act
Step 8 The Enabling Act March 1933 Communists were in jail Socialists were beaten up en route Hitler merges with the Nationalists Catholic centre and smaller parties were told Hitler would cancel it once law and order was restored Passed easily