Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Ann Harding eduGAIN Town Hall eduGAIN in the GÉANT Project Activity Leader GÉANT Trust and Identity Service Development SWITCH
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People The eduGAIN family in GN4-1 Service Development (SA5) Harmonisation Entity Categories CoCo Federation Practices Assurance Business Case Interoperability Non web Moonshot ECP eduGAIN eduGAIN technical development, inc. portal Federation development InAcademia Federation as a Service VO Platform as a Service Enabling Users Pilots Consultancy SP registration simplification New TaskNew Subtask/work area
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Who’s who in GN4-1 Nicole Harris, GÉANT Assoc. Harmonisation Rhys Smith, JISC Non Web Brook Schofield, GÉANT Assoc. eduGAIN Marina Vermezovic, AMRES Federation as a Service Niels van Dijk, Surfnet VOPaaS & InAcademia Lukas Hämmerle, SWITCH Enabling Users Mandeep Saini, GÉANT Assoc. GÉANT AAI Miroslav Milinovic, CARnet/SRCE eduroam
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People What did we get done? You’ve already heard about harmonisation, federation development, technical development of eduGAIN Moonshot – preparing for handover to production InAcademia preparing for pilot Federation as a Service in Production VO Platform as a service, moving from design to pilot Enabling Users – more useful tools! GÉANT AAI – group management from day 1 for GÉANT project, individual tools continue to migrate eduroam grows and grows
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People What didn’t we get done? No miracles, just hard work Hard work needs the time of people People are stretched thin Work still to finish on harmonisation, eduGAIN technical portal What happens to things that still need work? Some topics will transition to GN4-2 Some become ‘orphaned’ Monitoring Some will be continued in AARC2 What do you think we missed and need to accelerate before end April 2016? ?
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People GN4-2 April We need to take some precautions to reduce the impact of this Observation Our current biggest changes have been driven by engaging with usersOur deployment cycle is much longer than 3 years (SAML1 anyone?) Rule 2 – GÉANT to develop within “Technology Readiness Levels” Framework Start TRL6 “technology demonstrated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies)” End TRL 8-9 within 3 years “system complete and qualified/actual system proven in operational environment” Rule 1 – Separate “User Driven Development” and “Platform Driven Development” in two projects User – AARC/AARC2Platform – GÉANT New EC boss, new rules
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People GN4-2 Planning – The Story so Far
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People GN4-2 Planning – The Story so Far c June Workshop in Amsterdam with Task Leaders from all T&I areas Brainstorm possible topics based on experience and feedback Match and score against GÉANT strategy & NREN Trust & Identity Strategy July Produced a White Paper Shared with all GÉANT Research and Service activity participants and key user groups for feedback Shared by project with all NRENs A GÉANT Project Planning Committee appointed – NDN and Surfnet reps supervise T&I portfolio cSept NRENs score topics in White Papers (T&I, Networks, others, all scored) eduroam and eduGAIN topics scored highest in priorities, even eclipsing the network for some respondents Only 4-5 topics did not make the NREN cut e.g. provisioning/deprovisioning c. Sept/Oct Draft Project Structure, Budgets and Task Structure created All development now in a JRA, only Ops in SA Nov Activity Leaders appointed
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People So, what does it look like? eduGAIN Service Development - Federation and Campus, eduGAIN Service Development - e-Research and SPs, Trust & Identity related technology development (platform innovation), eduroam service development JRA3: Trust and Identity development: Ann Harding, SWITCH Service Validation and Testing, Trust and Identity Operations, Brokerage and Application Services Operations, Production Optimization and Continuity, Software Management SA2: T&I + Service Delivery Operations: Marina Vermezovic Adomeit, AMRES
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People In detail – JRA3 Trust and Identity Development Task 1: eduGAIN Service Development - Federation and Campus: this task includes eduGAIN legal review, eduGAIN Metadata and Attribute Management, Development of Supporting Services for Campus Identity Providers, eduGAIN Incident Management development (handover of SIRTIFI) Task 2: eduGAIN Service Development - e-Research and SPs: this task includes the development of enhanced e-Science support team in eduGAIN, InAcademia, Service Provider simplified Registration to eduGAIN, (Identity) Assurance Service, Virtual Organisation Platform Service Development, liason with AARC/AARC2 Task 3: Trust & Identity related technology development: Federated Identity, the next generation, Two factor Authentication in eduGAIN, Services to support mobile federated identity, Cross-sector interoperability (eduGAIN) Task 4: eduroam service development: this task includes eduroam as a Service, improving delivery of eduroam to end users - enhancements to the supporting services tools to facilitate user self support, creation of new Configuration Assistant Tool profiles
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People In detail – SA2 T&I and Applications Operations Task 1: Service Validation and Testing: Check if the service candidate is ready for production, perform software audits for all software products that are planned for production, perform pre-production tests, prepare production and support teams for production Task2: Trust and Identity Operations: Operations of all T&I related services and infrastructures - eduPKI, eduroam, eduGAIN, FaaS, Moonshot Task 3: Brokerage and Application Services Operations: Brokerage Operations and Multi-domain monitoring tools and services Task 4: Production Optimization and Continuity: this task provides GÉANT CSI manager, work with service owners, service managers, process managers and practitioners to identify improvement opportunities, ensure that monitoring is gathering the appropriate data, review analysed data, presents recommendations to senior management Task 5: Software Management: this task includes software release management and certification, software support, Secure and Quality Code Audits and Trainings
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Announcement of Task Leaders vacancies early December Finalization of a first draft of Description of Work early December Request for manpower call for contributions early December complete mid January Second draft of Description of Work early February Presentation and approval of a final Description of Work at the March GÉANT Assembly 12 Next steps – timeline
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People May not change No extra budget No extra topics Fact of a split between Ops and Research Activities May change Final breakdown of work between tasks in JRA3 once TLs have been chosen Scope of work item/subtasks if we do not get qualified people Existence of some work items/tasks if we do not get qualified people To be decided Granularity of scope work items between Dev and Ops Where to place the SG, who to chair 13 Things that may or may not change
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Thank you Networks ∙ Services ∙ People This work is part of a project that has applied for funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No (GN4-1).