I.Part of the Paper (2 pages, single space) You will write a two-page report about your observations-reflections regarding what you think are the most important characteristics of this election. You can divide your report into three sections.
A.1/8 : Predict the results of the election. This can just be a table. 3 bonus points (on the total grade) if you can correctly predict the votes of the first four parties within less than one percentage point.
B.3/8 : Critically discuss the election campaigns in relation to the Turkish political system, culture, and democracy by using your own observations. C.4/8: your brief and to the point predictions regarding the political, social, economic, and foreign policy consequences of the elections.
Important Note: Studying together or exchanging ideas are welcome. Copying from others, writing another person’s paper, and using unacknowledged information-ideas from other sources (even if from the Internet) is plagiarism.