Be Prepared: - Grab a paper from the side table Today we will... Review the Election of 1824 Understand why the election was disputed DAY 1
1. George Washington -Set many Precedents -Responded to the Whiskey Rebellion 2. John Adams -Abolitionist -Outspoken 4. James Madison -“Father of the Constitution” -White House burned down during the War of James Monroe -Ambitious and energetic -Monroe Doctrine 3. Thomas Jefferson -Believed in small government -Louisiana Purchase
Democracy Social Classes Rich States. Union. Citizens Participate West Property 21 Eastern Craftsworkers Shopkeepers Woman, Native Americans African Americans
8. Please total the number of electoral votes received by each candidate. Jackson Adams - 82 Crawford - 40 Clay - 37
William Crawford 1825 Henry ClayJohn Quincy Adams 1824 Andrew Jackson James Monroe’s 4 Republican Andrew Jackson Henry Clay William Crawford John Q. Adams
Campaign Poster Project (Due 2/15/16) 10points You are the campaign manager for __________________ during the election of Create a campaign poster on a blank piece of paper to encourage your fellow Americans to vote for your candidate. Use the textbook and provided additional readings to complete your poster. You will be asked to present your poster to the class. The poster must include ALL of the following: 1.A Picture of your candidate and additional pictures/illustrations to enhance your poster (2 points) 2. A brief description of your candidate’s personal life (2 points) 3. A brief description of your candidate’s professional career (2 points) 4. __ of reasons your candidate would be the best choice for President of the United States (2 points) 5. A slogan (1 point) 6. An imaginary quote from your candidate (1 point)
Be Prepared: - Get out your note sheet from yesterday Today we will... Use the laptops to continue to work on campaign posters DAY 2
Campaign Poster Project (Due 2/15/16) 10points You are the campaign manager for __________________ during the election of Create a campaign poster on a blank piece of paper to encourage your fellow Americans to vote for your candidate. Use the textbook and provided additional readings to complete your poster. You will be asked to present your poster to the class. The poster must include ALL of the following: 1.A Picture of your candidate and additional pictures/illustrations to enhance your poster (2 points) 2. A brief description of your candidate’s personal life (2 points) 3. A brief description of your candidate’s professional career (2 points) 4. __ of reasons your candidate would be the best choice for President of the United States (2 points) 5. A slogan (1 point) 6. An imaginary quote from your candidate (1 point) Homework – Finish your poster (Due 2/15)
Be Prepared: -Get out your note sheet from Thursday -Get out your Campaign Poster Today we will... Present out Campaign Posters Review the “Corrupt Bargain” DAY 3
Prepare to Present: Choose 2 parts of your poster to present to the class BOTH people must present together
Election of 1824 Results Jackson won the Electoral Vote Jackson won the Popular Vote BUT…
VOTES NEEDED TO WIN (MAJORITY) = 131 Jackson – 99Adams – 84 Crawford – 41 Clay – 37 Total # of Votes = 261 WITH NO MAJORITY, WHAT HAPPENS NOW? Should we play Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine the winner? NO!... THE HOUSE DECIDES THE WINNER!
Winner PopularMajority House of Representatives 3 Speaker Adams State “Corrupt Bargain”
HENRY CLAY and JOHN QUINCY ADAMS HAVE MADE A “CORRUPT BARGAIN”! Supporters of Jackson were outraged with the election result and were convinced that Henry Clay and John Q. Adams made a deal to elect Adams as the next President of the United States, while Clay would become his Secretary of State Sounds like sour grapes to me! You want some cheese with that whine?