MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama TIR overview for UBNT (Ultrasonic Background Noise Test) Oct 18, 2012 Ina Sen EO20 (256)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 2 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama UBNT Team PI: Dr. Eric Madaras, Senior Research Scientist NASA Langley Research Center, office: , cell: , PIM: Jeff Durham / OZ6 Phone: FAX: Crew office Rep: Brad Townsend / CB111 office: Ops Lead: Ina Sen NASA MSFC office:
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 3 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama UBNT Overview UBNT is fundamental to using ultrasound as a technology for leak location and vehicle health monitoring systems for future spacecrafts To acquire a true data for future ultrasonic leak detections, the structure-borne ultrasonic background noises that exist within ISS structures’ pressure shell need to be understood UBNT measures the on-orbit modules varied dynamic background noises generated by other systems on station Future ultrasonic leak detection system’s ultrasound threshold design for ISS will take the background noise determined by UBNT into account Impact Structural Waves Piezoelectric Sensors
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 4 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Continued UBNT Overview Install several ultrasonic sensors at a set of strategically located sites in a module. Strategically located means a balance of conditions: Easy locations to reach for quick and simple installation. Spread out over a diverse set of locations in a module. Some of the locations will target anticipated high background noise sources. After installation, the system will be activated by the crew and run in an automated mode minimizing crew interaction. Occasional use of the SSC to communicate with the system is required for the data collection. In its automatic data acquisition or “schedule” mode, the system will acquire data over several short time periods to sample the background noise levels during various on-orbit activities.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 5 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama UBNT System Overview 910Mhz DIDS Sensor Cable length: 2 meters DIDS Power Supply Battery Pack 2 Energizer L91 AA batteries 3.0 VDC output (nominal) Antenna/Data Cable length: 2 meters 910Mhz SSC DIDS Receiver connected to SSC via USB Power supply and DIDS sensor units attached to ISS Module pressure wall using velcro. Piezoelectric sensors attached using pre-certified adhesives (see backup). SSCFile Server OCA/Ground Ethernet cable UBNT Team Digital Wave – Piezoelectric Sensor : Model B Frequency bandwidth: 50kHz - 400kHz Temperature range: -50°C to +100°C Dimensions: 1.5 cm diameter. x 2.0 cm H Connector type: Microdot
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 6 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama UBNT Hardware USB Cable and DIDS Receiver with Antenna DIDS Data Recorder with 4 sensor cables and piezoelectric sensors AA battery pack
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 7 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama UBNT Installation Location : Endcone / Hatch
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 8 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama UBNT Installation Location : Standard Rack Bay
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 9 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama UBNT Status Currently status: all UBNT hardware is on orbit and H/W was integrated by OSO as UBNT was categorized as a system A training video was developed by Dan Tani and will be used on-orbit for crew training prior to UBNT operations UBNT operations were hard scheduled last November, but were not performed due to ATV-3 power issues at that time, that resulted in cancellation of UBNT operations the installation around the LAB endcone hatch for the fwd or aft location was task listed but no performed; A ‘PCM like matrix’ was developed and agreed on by POIF and the OSO group
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 10 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Agreements for on-orbit ops Agreements for operations are as follows: PPM will be scheduling UBNT’s H/W installation ops OSO will be supporting the H/W installation and check-out activities performed by the crew executing crew procedures owned by OSO and residing on the SODF shelf in the flight library PPM will be scheduling UBNT test ops (the specific GMT windows will be determined by the PI and OSO to sample the background noise levels during various on-orbit transients/activities the scientist is particularly interested in) POIC is responsible for the UBNT operations (crew activates communications between SSC and DIDS data recorder and transfers data) executing crew procedures owned by POIF and residing on the PODF shelf in the flight library PPM will timeline OCA activities to downlink data (not proprietary data files) Data erasing from the DIDS recorder is not anticipated since it can store approx 650MB in total. Only if a decision was made to maybe recover the micro SD card at some later date, the erase command would be needed PAR process will be used by POIC to document all anomalies.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 11 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Crew Interfaces with UBNT Hardware Setup (7 DIDS sensor kits max per ISS Module) Transducer verification by testing communication between SSC and sensors UBNT operations: Loading a Test Session residing on the SSC for either one or multiple RSUs, (interface is DIDS S/W app that is available on any SSC) and start the test Downloading summary data files from DIDS recorder to SSC(15KB/module), Downloading raw data files from DIDS recorder to the SSC (approx.50 files per module with 65KB per file) Downloading test configuration files from SSC to DIDS recorder for more test operations Stow