FUTURE SIMPLE or WILL FUTURE = Futuro Imperfecto ( amaré, dormiré,cantaré)
Will Future Affirmative, negative, interrogative : She will graduate in June We won’t find a cure for cancer this year Will you marry young? Short answers: Yes, you will No, you won’t
USES Speculations about the future When I am 26, I will be a doctor
During this century we will fly to the moon on a regular basis
Spontaneous decisions: Uff, it’s cold! I will close the window I am hungry, I will have a burger
Promises I promise I won’t be a naughty boy again I promise I will study more
Firm determinations I will build myself a house, whether it’s the last thing I do ! I will run first in that race, sure I will !
After: “I hope…”, “I think…” I hope she will pass the driving test She thinks he will do well in the exam
GOING TO FUTURE = Futuro Próximo o Futuro de intención (voy a ir, voy a estudiar, voy a escuchar)
Going to Future Affirmative, negative, interrogative : She is going to set up a clinic You aren’t going to stay in this weekend. Are you going to go to the mountains at Easter? Short answers: Yes, you are No, you aren’t
USES For plans and intentions The group is going to visit the Prado Museum next week My sister Lee is going to go to university next year
Are you going to go to Annie’s party? Next summer my family and I are going to spend the holidays in Mexico.
For things that you can “see” happening Look, that bike is going to crash !
Watch out on the road, you’re going to skid!
PRESENT CONTINUOUS with a future use Use: for confirmed future plans
At Easter,I’m backpacking around Asturias I’m taking the plane at 8pm tomorrow