Web based Documentation Distribution Tools: MSAccess database (DSN) DreamWeaver Ultradev Microsoft Image Composer Clicking on the document will open an active server page that pulls the link to the document, summary, and list the documents referenced.
The link to the document is pulled from a “Master Document” table. The summary is pulled from the “Master Document” table. The link to the Quality Records web page is built into the web page. The Quality Records web page is also a MSAccess based page. The links and the titles are from the “Master Document” table. The list is generated from the “Reference document” table. Web based Documentation Distribution
Example of document accessed through the hyper link.
Web based Documentation Distribution Table structure: The link is a text field with the HTML code. The decision was to order the reference documents the way they appeared in the documents. They may not appear numeric or alpha.
Web based Documentation Distribution Steps: Design Tables Populate Data Establish DSN connection. Design Web Page(s) Publish Pages Maintenance: Linked mdb is used to update data.
Web based Documentation Distribution Page graphic developed in Microsoft Image Composer. Page saved in DreamWeaver as HTML file. Active Server Page (ASP) There are three identical ASP pages with different variables to allow selecting from the list. DreamWeaver uses SQL statements to load data. Hot spots on the documents and DMS link added in DreamWeaver. Hot spots call first ASP page.
Web based Documentation Distribution DreamWeaver Ultradev Example of SQL statement in file RefResult.asp