1 MQXF(S) Magnet Interface Document MQXF(S) magnet interface document will describe electrical connection between the magnet and the header assembly Scope.


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Presentation transcript:

1 MQXF(S) Magnet Interface Document MQXF(S) magnet interface document will describe electrical connection between the magnet and the header assembly Scope of this document is short MQXF models to be tested at Fermilab’s VMTF The magnet interface document will provide comprehensive information on connectors for the standard magnet instrumentation. The magnet interface document will also include some VMTF specific requirements, for example length of power leads, wiring of signals used in the quench detection or protection systems Separate document could be developed for the mechanical interface Similar documents will be developed for the test facility at BNL Can we have a single document for both BNL and FNAL?

2 Hypertronic connectors at VMTF L-series modular Hypertronic connectors by Hypertac/Smith Connectors will be used at VMTF: Insulator: Diallyl-Phthalate (DAP) 3 different types of connectors are used at VMTF: 2-pin connectors for heaters 17-pin connectors for strain gauges 5-pin - for CVT and FVT Current rating: 8 A Contact Life Cycle: > Breakdown voltage: > 2000 V RMS See More details here:

3 Possible action items Agree on concept of the Magnet Interface Document Finalize the magnet interface document Need splice-box design for routing wires from the specialized voltage taps (half-coils, magnet positive, magnet negative…) Need design of the MQXFS magnet end plates to finalize the magnet suspension system at VMTF Need overall magnet dimensions finalized Develop common electrical check-out forms at LBNL and FNAL Prepare the mechanical interface document

4 MQXFSM1 at VMTF Lambda plate Interface Support plate

5 MQXFSM1 at VMTF Short QXF coil #2 in a mirror structure: preparation for cool down

6 Top plate Hypertronic connectors

7 See draft of the magnet interface document

8 Concept of the support plate in ANSYS model

9 Lambda plate Interface Support plates Magnet Magnet Suspension System at VMTF

10 Lambda Plate

11 Interface Support Plates

12 Interface Support Plates (cont’d)

13 Inside the VMTF

14 Backup Slides

15 Voltage breakdown tests 5-pin FVT/CVT connectors were tested in Helium gas and air: o Breakdown voltage of V reached in Helium gas* o Successfully tested up to V in air*. *Kapton insulator in between the modules significantly improves the breakdown voltage Not tested in liquid Helium Need to specify increased Hipot voltage in functional requirements for the QXF magnet test at Fermilab